Vodja tehnološke

Celoten pregled omrežja NuGenesis (2. del)

Ekosistem blockchain, ki kot nevihta osvaja svet tehnologije Živimo v svetu hitrih sprememb in inovacij. Vse okoli nas se spreminja z eksponentno hitrostjo in premika svet od ene ideje k drugi, ne le zato, da bi pritegnili in naredili vtis na ljudi, ampak da bi jih spodbudili, da se zabavajo, dobro zaslužijo, gradijo bogastvo in si zagotovijo stabilno finančno prihodnost. .Preberite tudi: Celovit pregled omrežja NuGenesis (1. del od 6) Od leta 2009 je bila v središču pozornosti nova tehnologija

Operater BitMEX daje 400 $ sponzorstva neprofitni organizaciji za kibernetsko varnost

HDR Global Trading, the operator of crypto exchange BitMEX, is giving a $400,000 grant to the cybersecurity nonprofit Shadowserver Foundation.In an April 6 statement on the company’s blog, HDR Global Trading announced that it would offer $400,000 to the organization over the next four years. The BitMEX operator will be acting as a member of the nonprofit’s new industry alliance for Internet security.Richard Perlotto, Shadowserver Director, thanked HDR for “their rapid response to our call for help” and emphasized the organization’s commitment to fighting cybercrime. The director is referring to