AOFEX Insight: Bitcoin-linked ETF Officially Gets Listed

The first bitcoin ETF finally gets listed in the United States after 8 years of a long journey since 2013. The U.S. SEC approved the first bitcoin-linked ETF after its 5 commission members’ discussion. It's understood if the SEC does not reject, delay or ask more questions, the bitcoin-linked ETF proposal will take effect automatically. During October 15-18, no rejection, delay or more questions were heard. At 9:30 am, October 19, ProShares’s CEO Michael Sapir rang the bell at the NYSE. It is a milestone in the history of bitcoin,

Sklad Ethereum, ki sledi gibanju Bitcoin, teče od leta 2020

V zadnjih nekaj letih je bila institucionalna vpletenost v velika sredstva, kot sta Bitcoin in Ethereum, običajna zadeva. Vendar pa je bilo težko identificirati vse vire naložb. Konec leta 2020 je kopičenje Bitcoinov Grayscale veljalo za najvplivnejši institucionalni interes. Vendar se je leta 2021 upočasnil. Kljub temu je kapital še naprej odtekal od pooblaščenih trgovcev. V tem članku bomo izpostavili vsak sklad, ki ima Bitcoin in Ethereum, in kako je njihova dejavnost vplivala na daljše časovno obdobje. Dolga

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cardano - Kako so se te kriptovalute odrezale na trgu ETP

Digitalna sredstva, kot sta Bitcoin in Ethereum, so v zadnjih nekaj mesecih doživela neverjeten porast v smislu sprejemanja in baze uporabnikov. Vendar pa mesec september k tej rasti ni veliko prispeval. Pravzaprav je prejšnji mesec prekinil nekatere trende in na druge načine ustvaril zgodovino. Prevlada bitcoina je padla, favoriziranje altcoinov pa se je povečalo. Ergo, vprašanje – Kaj lahko pričakujemo od trga v Q4. Septembrski padec digitalnih sredstev v upravljanju (AUM) ni dosegel enakega dviga, kot smo mu bili priča avgusta

Milijarder Bill Miller se je z 1.5 milijona delnic pridružil GBTC

Research Layer-1 Platforms: A Framework for Comparison The Block Research was commissioned by Algorand to create Layer-1 Platforms: A Framework for comparison, which provides a “look under the hood” at seven platforms: Algorand, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos, Ethereum/Ethereum 2.0, Polkadot, and Solana. We assess their technical design, related ecosystem data, and qualitative factors such as key ecosystem members to get an understanding of how they differ. Having done this analysis, we draw some insights for what the future of the broader smart contract landscape could look like for years

Vlaganje App Wealthfront za ponudbo Bitcoin in Ethereum izdelkov v sivinah

Medtem ko se vse več vlagateljev obrača na kriptovalute, je Wealthfront, podjetje s sedežem v Palo Altu s 25 milijardami dolarjev sredstev v upravljanju (AUM), razširilo naložbene možnosti svojih strank na Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) in Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE).Wealthfront's nova ponudba bo vključevala tudi avtomatizacijske funkcije, kot sta »inteligentna ponovna naložba dividend« in zbiranje davčnih izgub – funkcija, namenjena znižanju davčnih računov strank. Pri uporabi GBTC in ETHE vlagateljem ne bo treba nastavljati zunanjih denarnic in skrbeti za tehnične vidike, kot je hramba zasebnih ključev. Vsi kripto izdelki družbe Grayscale so zgolj mišljeni

Cathie Wood's ARK Invest pridobi 45 milijonov USD v zalogi Robinhood

Investicijska družba Cathie Wood ARK Invest je hitro kupila 1,297,615 delnic Robinhooda, ko je družba v četrtek izšla na borzo. Z delnico Robinhooda, ki je prvo trgovanje na Nasdaqu zaključila pri 34.82 USD, je nakup vreden več kot 45.1 milijona USD. Po podatkih, ki jih je razkril ARK Invest, je bil to tudi največji nakup družbe dneva v vseh šestih aktivno upravljanih skladih, s katerimi se trguje na borzi (ETF), pri čemer so bile delnice namenjene ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK). Kaj je Robinhood? Robinhood je priljubljena aplikacija za trgovanje, ki

Grayscale's Bitcoin Cash in Litecoin skladi so na voljo za javno trgovanje

The digital asset management firm Grayscale Investments announced on Aug 17 that its Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin Trusts are now publicly tradable. Shares of the two trusts will be traded on OTC markets under the tickers BCHG and LTCN. Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin have joined the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), Ethereum Trust (ETHE), Ethereum Classic Trust (ETCG), and Digital Large Cap Fund (GDLC) as being publicly tradeable. US securities investors will be able to trade Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin without having to buy and store the assets themselves. Prior to

Po marcu se je v sivkah Bitcoin Trust videl porast zanimanja za vlagatelje

The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, an investment tool that aims to provide an indirect exposure to Bitcoin (BTC) for investors in traditional markets, reported a significant increase in how many shares it issued between Q2 and Q1 of 2020.According to an Aug. 7 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the trust issued more than 87 million shares in Q2 2020, compared to the total of 133 million shares issued for all of 2020.The trust issued almost 90% more shares in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the first. This