
Grizzly Research Releases Coverage Report on GigaCloud (NASDAQ:GCT)

New York, May 22, 2024 – Grizzly Research has released a comprehensive coverage report on GigaCloud Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: GCT). The report provides an in-depth analysis of GigaCloud’s business operations, highlighting several areas of concern regarding the company’s financial reporting and operational practices. A copy of the report can be found here: Grizzly GCT Report Key Findings: 1.Discrepancies in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV): While GigaCloud reports significant growth in GMV, web traffic data for its B2B marketplace, GigaB2B, indicates low activity. At its peak, the site had only 1,000 visits

Owners of Internet Domain Names Can Start Receiving Crypto With Their Addresses

Domain name owners can now start receiving crypto, including BTC, ETH and NFTs thanks to an integration with Ethereum Name Service.Any domain name, including .com and .cash, can now be a public address for payments across any blockchain. Brantly Millegan, director of operations at Ethereum Name Service, the protocol behind the development, shared an example implementation with The Defiant —, a name registered with the Domain Name System, can now accept BTC, DOGE, and more if configured to do so.DNS names can also be used as usernames in Ethereum

Curve Finance Launches Ethereum Swapping Liquidity Pool

Decentralized finance protocol Curve Finance has launched a new pool for Ethereum and synthetic Ethereum (sETH) swaps and liquidity provision. The pool allows liquidity farmers to deposit Ethereum and synthetic Ethereum in order to earn additional yields. sETH is essentially a soft peg of standard ETH, designed to stay as close in value as possible, though it often trades slightly lower which allows for arbitrage opportunities. The newly launched pool contained 65% ETH and 35% sETH at the time of press, worth a combined estimated total of around $155,000 at