Altcoin Investing

Market Volatility Continues Amid COVID19 Uncertainty

In times of deep crisis such as this it’s important to stay true to who we are and that seems to get more and more difficult the deeper we get. Last night, I engaged in an interesting discussion on social media when Bruce Fenton posed the question “Are mandated lockdowns right or wrong?” This is something that another bitcoin though leader, Jimmy Song, is on record as being staunchly against and the libertarian in me tends to agree. Jimmy’s point here is simply that a pattern has arisen throughout history

Unsurprisingly, Markets Are Bearish

Out of all the hockey stick graphs we’ve been looking at over the last few weeks, the one that really takes the cake is the google trends chart showing the number of people searching for the term ‘unprecedented.’ The levels we’re seeing at the moment, quite frankly, have never existed before. Demand on telecommunications have been unprecedented. The sudden halt in air and even ground travel is unprecedented. And the actions taken by governments and central banks around the world have been well… unprecedented. We’re litteraly living through history at