
Crypto Friendly Laws Help Boerse Stuttgart’s App Top 100,000 Users

The cryptocurrency trading app of Germany’s second-largest stock exchange, Boerse Stuttgart, exceeded 100,000 users on March 30 amid increasingly permissive regulations in the country.The Bison app, which launched on Jan. 31st, 2019, has attracted a six-figure user base in just 14 months.Bison users grow 40% during Q1 2020Ulli Spankowski, the chief executive of Boerse Stuttgart Digital Ventures subsidiary and developer of the Bison app, Sowa Lab GmbH, notes that the milestone has been reached amid a 40% growth in users since the start of 2020. Boerse Stuttgart’s app supports Bitcoin (BTC),

Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum is DeFi Chain as Much as Bitcoin is Digital Gold

Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin has recently asserted that aside from the numerous potential applications of Ethereum in various areas, its use as a cryptocurrency, for settlements, cannot be overlooked. This is coming after Ryan Sean Adams, the founder of Mythos Capital, shared how Bitcoin Maximalists are trolling him about how pointless Ethereum is. Got Maximalists trolling me about how pointless Ethereum is meanwhile I just sent a crypto backed stablecoin in a private transaction on the Ethereum mainnet peer-to-peer w/o a bank Keep trolling We’ll keep building the bankless future

Evolution of‘Payments’ Will Bolster Next-Generation Businesses

Humans have always been on a developmental journey. When we are born into thousands of years of inventions and improvements, it’s easy to take for granted what’s around us— as if they always existed. We seldom think about the changes it took to get to where we are.Take for example, the creation of language and how that opened up a new course in human history. How it led to communication, collaboration, communities and organizations. From there, people organized a set of doctrines and came up with story-telling, a precursor to

Bitcoin and Visa Transactions Plunge But Pizza Deliveries Are Up

Online purchases using Bitcoin (BTC), Visa, and some retail apps are down for the first quarter of 2020, spanning cryptocurrency and fiat currency transactions.With many around the world self-quarantining or otherwise recommended to stay inside to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one might assume there would be an increase in online purchases and deliveries. Yet with unemployment on the rise and an uncertain economic future, it seems consumers want to save their money rather than spend it.Bitcoin transactions rivaling those during crypto winterThe crypto market is not exempt from this