
Unveiling the Inaugural Global Protocol Report: A Comprehensive Analysis of Blockchain Protocols that is Poised to Aid WEB3 Decisions

Crypto Oasis, Crypto Valley, the DLT Science Foundation and Inacta Ventures Join Forces in a Groundbreaking Initiative that Will Help Navigate the Blockchain Trilemma Highlights: The report has unprecedented transparency and clarity, granular insights, and an evolving analysis of DLT protocol attributes. It will help industry experts and novices gain foundational knowledge on DLT concepts, WEB3 ecosystem infrastructure, the evolution of the Blockchain landscape, and the role of capital, talent, infrastructure, and regulations in WEB3 innovation. The Global Protocol Report introduces a comprehensive framework for assessing the maturity of DLT

Staking, Consensus and the Pursuit of Decentralization

Oh, the wonders of decentralized consensus — that dream of permissionless blockchains to be censorship-resistant, trustless, collaborative and egalitarian for a potentially global community of users. While lofty in ideals, consensus is foundational for each crypto network, which must agree upon that most basic question of who decides what on the network.Decentralized consensus in the form of a proof-of-work mechanism was at the core of Satoshi Nakamoto’s innovation when creating Bitcoin — all additional protocol elements stem from PoW’s ability to reach consensus regarding the digital ledger through the computational work