
First Exclusive Interview With the CEO of the Nugenesis Network

Recently we’ve had the opportunity to interview Hussein Faraj, the CEO of NuGenesis Network. We have been following this project for a few months and had wanted to ask a few deeper question in regards to NuCoin. Here are nine questions we asked Mr. Faraj to help you understand the purpose and motivation behind the NuGenesis Network.#1 What made you decide to create your own cryptocurrency project instead of building on an existing platform?In late 2013 we were looking for a solution to a global remittance system, we attempted to

Flare Network Review: Smart Contract Network For XRP

As the third largest cryptocurrency most people familiar with the space have heard about Ripple and they understand that it is a global payment and foreign exchange network that was designed to replace the outdated SWIFT banking network. And while it works great for that specific use case, otherwise it has shown limited usefulness in other functions.That might all be fixed however as the Flare Network has been created with the goal of improving the utility of XRP tokens by creating a network with smart contract capability for the XRP

Fundamentally Strongest Crypto Projects in 2020

There are numerous new promising cryptocurrency projects coming out every year. Some of them die quickly either because they offer nothing innovative to the cryptocurrency industry or a myriad of other reasons. However, some manage to thrive, lingering around long enough to grow through the ranks and eventually become staples of the industry. In this article, we will take a look at four projects which due to their strong fundamental basis and value added, could eventually become mainstays in the crypto industry. Elrond (EGLD) Elrond is a blockchain that sports

Keeper Finance IEO Launches On BigONE Exchange

Keeper Finance (KFI) has announced the launch of an Initial Exchange Offering for its native token KFI on BigONE exchange. The crypto exchange will list KFI on December 22nd 2020 at 15:00 (UTC +8) and begins with the first round of IEO subscription. The subscription period will take place between December 22nd at 15:00 PM (+8) to December 27th at 15:00PM (UTC +8). During this period users can register on BigONE and partake in the IEO at a discount offer of 1.5 USDT per KFI. A maximum amount of 500,000

Ethereum’s Time Is Coming – Here’s Why

On December 1, an event that has been anticipated for the latest several years took place — Ethereum 2.0 went live. Its launch has been rescheduled several times, while the expectations from a new stage of Ethereum development are extremely high.  With all the advances that will be implemented in the network in the next few years, Ethereum is to drastically increase its scalability, efficiency, and security without any harm to decentralization. From a widely recognized open-source platform for DApps’ developers, Ethereum is aiming to become a pillar of the

Curve Finance Launches Ethereum Swapping Liquidity Pool

Decentralized finance protocol Curve Finance has launched a new pool for Ethereum and synthetic Ethereum (sETH) swaps and liquidity provision. The pool allows liquidity farmers to deposit Ethereum and synthetic Ethereum in order to earn additional yields. sETH is essentially a soft peg of standard ETH, designed to stay as close in value as possible, though it often trades slightly lower which allows for arbitrage opportunities. The newly launched pool contained 65% ETH and 35% sETH at the time of press, worth a combined estimated total of around $155,000 at

Ethereum Rival Polkadot Launches Polkastarter DEX and Liquidity Mining

A new decentralized exchange has emerged in the already-crowded DeFi space. The platform is being offered by the Ethereum rival Polkadot network. Dec. 15 marks the official launch date of the Polkastarter DEX. The platform has been designed for cross-chain token pools and auctions, with the purpose of enabling projects to raise capital on the Polkadot network. Polkastarter was officially announced in September when the project listed its native POLS token on Uniswap. It has now gone live with the first liquidity pool offering rewards for swapping ETH for POLS.

Daily Created Ethereum Addresses Hits a Three-Year High

In more bullish news relating directly to Ethereum fundamentals, the second-largest crypto by market cap has seen the most new addresses created in a single day in the last 35 months. The cryptocurrency space has largely seen positive price growth, including the leading smart contract platform. Ethereum may be having one of its biggest years so far, as the system migrates over to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) verification with the launch of 2.0. Alongside this release, ETH witnessed a yearly price increase of around 4x as the Ethereum price flirts with the

Ethereum Developers Claim 2.0 Launch Went ‘Smooth’ Despite Validator Slashings

The latest update from the team working on Phase 0 of the ETH 2.0 upgrade has praised the smooth launch of the new blockchain which was only marred by a number of validators getting ‘slashed.’ It has now been two weeks since Beacon Chain went live heralding in a new era for Ethereum as the Serenity upgrade gets underway. The launch has been a rather eventless affair, which is good news as confirmed by ConsenSys developer Ben Edgington in his latest ETH 2.0 update. “It’s been a wonderfully dull eleven

November 2020: A Month of All Time Highs

November 2020 has been a record-smashing month for crypto. From coin derivatives, to flat-out Bitcoin (BTC) price, the roller coaster keeps climbing up. With power behind Bitcoin like never before, the next few months look exciting. All-Time Higher and higher So the golden price of $20,000 for 1 BTC never happened, but $19,725 was not half bad. Cryptocurrencies are having another year to remember, and November was perhaps that most exciting month yet. According to Coingecko’s monthly report, November saw plenty of highs. The crypto market cap reached $554 billion.