
D8X Re-Engineers DeFi Derivatives With Launch on Polygon zkEVM

  Supported by Polygon Ventures, D8X targets institutional users with next-gen DEX engine, innovative features, novel white-label approach [Zug, Switzerland - Feb. 6, 2024] - D8X, an institutional-grade decentralized exchange (DEX) for derivatives, has launched on Polygon zkEVM, establishing a new benchmark for decentralized finance. With support from Polygon Ventures and other notable partners, D8X reconceives on-chain derivatives, starting from fundamental financial engineering and extending to its novel white-label business-to-business model–a first for Polygon zkEVM. Until now, users seeking the trading experience offered by D8X have had to resort to

Moonbeam, Diode Collaborate on Launch of DePIN Platform to Replace Traditional VPN, Web2 Products

Diode chooses Moonbeam to deploy suite of blockchain solutions that align with Polkadot founder Gavin Woods’ original vision for Web3 [SINGAPORE] – Moonbeam Network, a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications, today announced the launch of Diode’s secure and decentralized communications platform. Diode’s solution is part of a movement known as DePIN, or “decentralized physical infrastructure network,” where blockchain protocols operate real-world infrastructure in a decentralized manner. Providing a censorship-resistant alternative to traditional products like VPN, Slack or Microsoft OneDrive, Diode’s massively scalable platform helps to bring about