
Happy Bermuda Shorts Day, Web 3 Style!

  Back in 1960 when Alan Arthur penned "April 1st Bermuda Shorts Day" on a campus announcement board, he started a new tradition. This simple act ignited a tradition, marking the final day of the winter semester with a festive celebration. Over time, it evolved into a cherished annual event, bringing the campus community together in joyous camaraderie. But what about all the others who can not join the party on the campus? A fun project was sparked with this comment to take BSD into Web3 as NFTs! Introducing BSD.NFTs:

FAANG stocks And Digital Assets Are Flying

Which would you prefer, a large pizza split into eight slices, or a large pizza split into 12 slices? A normal, rational person might suggest that it really doesn’t make much of a difference, as it’s really the same amount of pizza. This poor Australian girl, however, will probably never live down the time her “friend” Brad filmed her saying that she’d prefer eight slices, because she couldn’t possibly eat 12 slices of Pizza. Well, today Jen can finally point out that the eternity of new-wave momentum traders are giving

Ampleforth: A Guide to the AMPL DeFi Protocol

Imagine the possibilities of reinventing money. One that is powered by blockchain and crypto-based solutions. That is what Ampleforth hopes to achieve within and beyond the crypto community. Since the inception of decentralized finance (DeFi), various notable projects have spawned, giving life to a new sector in the cryptosphere. At the moment, investors and crypto traders alike are quite stoked with DeFi and liquidity mining. We have witnessed several protocols like Maker, Aave, and Compound attracting hundreds of thousands of users, enabling the DeFi ecosystem to proliferate far and wide.

Bitcoin and Visa Transactions Plunge But Pizza Deliveries Are Up

Online purchases using Bitcoin (BTC), Visa, and some retail apps are down for the first quarter of 2020, spanning cryptocurrency and fiat currency transactions.With many around the world self-quarantining or otherwise recommended to stay inside to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one might assume there would be an increase in online purchases and deliveries. Yet with unemployment on the rise and an uncertain economic future, it seems consumers want to save their money rather than spend it.Bitcoin transactions rivaling those during crypto winterThe crypto market is not exempt from this