
Disney Moves Toward the Metaverse With Approved US Patent to Create a ‘Virtual-World Simulator’

A recently discovered patent shows the American multinational entertainment and media conglomerate, Walt Disney Company, was approved by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for a “virtual-world simulator” patent. The simulator is composed of a “three-dimensional (3D) map of the geometry of the real-world venue.” Disney’s Virtual-World Simulator Patent Follows Bob Chapek’s Discussion About the Disney Metaverse Disney’s interest in the metaverse and blockchain technology has been showing recently as a recent patent approved at the end of December reveals the entertainment giant filed for a “virtual-world simulator”

Tic-tac-toe Game Based on STONE TFT LCD and STM32

Summary Tic-tac-toe is a game played on a 3 by 3 grid, similar to gobang. It gets its name because the board generally does not draw borders and the grid lines are arranged into tic-tac-toe. The tools needed for the game are only paper and pen. Then, two players representing O and X take turns to leave marks on the grid. Any three marks form a straight line, which is the winner. This article is to use microcontroller STM32 and STONE LCD display to develop a simple tic-tac-toe game. Materials required