
The Evolution of AMMs

The Complex History of the Future of Finance Author: Benny Attar Ever since the dawn of financial history, markets had to be made. Tracing back to 17th century spice trading where intermediaries bought and sold shares to offer investors higher liquidity, market making has evolved tremendously. Through equities, foreign exchange rates, and even physical assets, market makers today provide liquidity and are ready to buy any asset at publicly quoted prices. However, as time passes, financial markets evolve alongside it. The past several years, we’ve seen an incredible increase in

New Perspectives for Creators and Collectors: How Stars.Art is Changing the Global NFT Arena

Stars.Art is a TRUE DAO-powered community-centric NFT Marketplace NFT for artists, creators, collectors, and investors.NFT holders can generate income from their priced assets on Stars.Art without actually selling them.Stars.Art is boosting NFT holders' revenue by offering 70% cheaper transaction costs than the industry's leading marketplace. Nonfungible token (NFT) sales topped $4.4 billion in January and have noticeably decreased in the following months. The May market crash accelerated the decline and caused sales to plunge to $1 billion by June – a 65% drop from January. Ostensibly, the revenue earned by

Web3 Scam Protection Startup Finds 400% More Phishing Websites than Industry Leaders.

Web3 isn’t safe. In 2021, crypto scammers stole $14 billion dollars from unsuspecting users. A solution must be found. To create a democratic financial future of the internet, newcomers and advanced users alike need to feel comfortable with their funds. Delenium, a Web3 scam protection solution, is at the forefront of this effort. By protecting the way Web3 users interact with decentralized applications, Delenium is revolutionizing the security infrastructure of Web3. Like any new and unregulated technology, scammers deploy tactics to unlawfully extract value from users. In blockchain, that value