
Grizzly Research Releases Coverage Report on GigaCloud (NASDAQ:GCT)

New York, May 22, 2024 – Grizzly Research has released a comprehensive coverage report on GigaCloud Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: GCT). The report provides an in-depth analysis of GigaCloud’s business operations, highlighting several areas of concern regarding the company’s financial reporting and operational practices. A copy of the report can be found here: Grizzly GCT Report Key Findings: 1.Discrepancies in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV): While GigaCloud reports significant growth in GMV, web traffic data for its B2B marketplace, GigaB2B, indicates low activity. At its peak, the site had only 1,000 visits

HealthCare AI: The Unavoidable Revolution in Modern Medicine

By Eric Greenberg In the evolving landscape of medical technology, there's one force that stands head and shoulders above the rest, promising a seismic shift in the very ethos of healthcare delivery: Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a seasoned technology and banking analyst, it is my considered opinion that Healthcare AI isn't just a trend or a buzzword. It’s the very future of medicine, poised to reshape everything we know about patient care, disease diagnosis, and medical research. To begin with, the economic implications of integrating AI in healthcare are

Paribus. Trust Less.

One month ago, Jerome Powell, head of the Federal Reserve in the US, announced that the banking system was sound and robust despite the collapse of several large banks. After raising rates a further 0.25%, he said, “We’re committed to learning the lessons from this episode and to work to prevent events like this from happening again.” As we prepare for another potential 0.25% rate hike on May 3rd, another major bank in the US, First Republic Bank, has collapsed. Its collapse is part of a larger trend of consolidation