Платформа позик Blur Blend NFT засвідчила значне зростання обсягів позик

Платформа позик Blur Blend NFT засвідчила значне зростання обсягів позик

  1. Blur Blend’s loan volume surges from 4,200 ETH to 169,900 ETH in just 22 days.
  2. The platform accounts for 82% of all NFT lending volume.
  3. Azuki leads with 6,455 loans and 70,031 ETH.

Blur Blend, a popular NFT lending platform, has experienced an extraordinary surge in loan volume since its recent launch. Within a mere 22 days, the platform’s loan volume has soared from 4,200 ETH to an impressive 169,900 ETH, accounting for 82% of the total NFT lending volume.

Azuki has emerged as a prominent participant in the lending landscape, with 6,455 loans and a loan volume of 70,031 ETH. The platform’s user-friendly interface and seamless experience have attracted a significant number of borrowers and lenders.

The integration with the thriving NFT market has created new opportunities for users to leverage their digital assets and access liquidity. The surge in loan volume on Blur Blend reflects the increasing demand for NFT-backed loans, enabling individuals to unlock the value of their non-fungible tokens without selling them.

NFT lending platforms like Blur Blend provide a viable solution, allowing users to borrow against their NFT assets while retaining ownership. With a daily average of 306 users, Blur Blend has gained substantial traction and continues to grow. The platform’s expansion and enhancements further position it as a leader in the NFT lending landscape.

In conclusion, Blur Blend’s remarkable loan volume surge within just 22 days showcases its appeal and effectiveness in the NFT lending space. The platform’s success, along with Azuki’s outstanding performance, highlights the increasing demand for decentralized lending solutions in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

Ключові слова: РозумієтеETH

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Blur Blend NFT Lending Platform Witnesses Remarkable Loan Volume Surge PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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