Джастін Сан хоче, щоб 5 країн прийняли TRX як законний платіжний засіб

Джастін Сан хоче, щоб 5 країн прийняли TRX як законний платіжний засіб

  1. Tron`s Justin Sun Wants 5 Countries to Adopt TRX as Legal Tender.
  2. Among these countries, a significant nation is soon going to adopt TRX as a legal currency.
  3. Sun discusses the potential benefits that the community may get from this move.

Джастін Сонце, the creator of Tron and a former CEO of the company, has said that one of his lofty goals is to have at least five nations acknowledge TRX as a form of legitimate currency by the end of this year. 

Mr Sun elaborated on his thoughts on the widespread use of cryptocurrencies in the next tweet, which included the flags of Домініка and St. Maarten.

In addition, Justin Sun said previously that among these states, a significant nation is soon going to make TRX legal currency.  As a result of this step, more and more governments may begin to acknowledge TRX as a legitimate currency, which, according to Sun, has the potential to completely change the way people utilize cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

According to him, this will also guarantee the widespread adoption of TRON and other digital currencies in the future.

Justin Sun stated;

Making TRX and its ecosystem tokens legal tender means that they will be recognized by the government as a valid form of payment for goods and services.

В іншому нитка в Twitter, Sun discusses the potential benefits that the community may get from this move. He claims that it would make it simpler for companies and consumers to do transactions via TRX. 

In addition, now that TRX has been acknowledged by the government, companies will be more likely to accept it as a form of payment, and customers will feel more at ease using it when making purchases.

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Justin Sun Wants 5 Countries to Adopt TRX as Legal Tender PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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