نوجوان ٹیم کے ساتھیوں پر k1to: "میں کبھی کبھی ان میں خود کو دیکھتا ہوں، جب میں چھوٹا تھا" PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. عمودی تلاش۔ عی

نوجوان ٹیم کے ساتھیوں پر k1to: "میں خود کو ان میں کبھی کبھی دیکھتا ہوں، جب میں چھوٹا تھا"

BIG 2-1 سے فتح کے بعد ایلیسا ماسٹرز ایسپو کے گرینڈ فائنل میں پہنچ گئے ہیں۔ انکر سیمی فائنل میں. جیت کے ساتھ فائنل میں ایک میچ اپ سیٹ کرتا ہے fnatic، جس کے خلاف BIG اس مہینے کے شروع میں IEM Rio Major میں کھیلا اور Legends اسٹیج میں پلے آف کوالیفائنگ میچ ہار گیا۔

BIG نے اسپراؤٹ کے خلاف میراج پر 16-11 سے فتح کے ساتھ اپنے فائنل میں رسائی حاصل کی۔

HLTV.org کے ساتھ پکڑا گیا۔ نلس "k1to" گرہنے to talk about the semi-final match and what the victory against a fellow German organization means behind the scenes to his team’s management. The rifler also spoke about being a role model for his younger teammates, the struggle to find an identity as a player after stepping into multiple roles in the team, and the loss of Dust2 in the latest update.

یہ ایک مشکل کھیل تھا، یہ تین نقشے پر چلا گیا اور آخر تک قریب تھا۔ جیت آپ کے لیے کیسا محسوس کرتی ہے؟

We feel really good right now. When we got the news that syrsoN has COVID we were really sad, but we knew that we wanted to play in this tournament. Then we took back faveN, he was ready to play again, and yeah we are really happy that we managed to get into the final now. With a stand-in I think it’s insane for us, we didn’t expect it and now we want to win the tournament.

کیا آپ کے لیے اور faveN کے لیے Sprout کے خلاف جیت اس جیت کو مزید خاص بناتی ہے؟

I think it’s always special to beat other German organizations, I think it’s also good for our owner. He’s really happy every time when we beat Germans, and yeah we are happy of course, but now it’s not a German team anymore, it’s only a German organisation. So it doesn’t feel so special anymore, but it’s still a nice feeling.

You have played a multitude of different roles on this roster, you have even coached for an event, does it feel hard to have an identity as a player when you’re being switched into these different positions?

Yeah, I think it’s hard right now because we play every tournament with different players it feels like. So now I had to AWP on Mirage, because this was the only way we got some round on T in the earlier games, so I did it again. It’s really hard if you are not used to it and you play a different role again, but I think we are going in the right direction putting me in the same roles, kind of, on every map, then I am really comfortable again playing on this team.

آپ کس طرح کہیں گے کہ روسٹر پر موجود نوجوان کھلاڑی کر رہے ہیں، خاص طور پر اونچی آواز میں ہجوم کے سامنے؟

I think they are doing really good. I think someone from Spirit said something similar, they don’t get worse on stage, but they get silent and if they communicate it’s more hectic, but most of the time they are more silent than in practice games or studio environments. They talk less but other than that I think they are doing a really great job.

ایک زیادہ تجربہ کار آدمی کے طور پر، کیا آپ ان نوجوان کھلاڑیوں کے لیے رول ماڈل کی طرح محسوس کرتے ہیں؟

I don’t want to be in that position, but I think I am, kinda. Back in the days, I was the youngest player on the team, right now I’m the second oldest player on the team. I don’t feel like that, I feel like they are really young in how they behave. I see myself in them sometimes, when I was younger. I think they are really nice guys.

میں نے ہجوم کا ذکر کیا، جب آپ اس ٹورنامنٹ میں آئے تھے تو کیا آپ توقع کر رہے تھے کہ یہ اتنا ہی اونچا ہوگا جتنا کہ تھا؟

No, we didn’t expect anything like that, I didn’t even search up the arena before the tournament. I just came here. The best-of-one format feels so random that you feel like it’s a really small LAN and then you come here and it’s a really big arena. Like LANXESS but smaller, looks exactly the same, just in small [form]. Many fans are here, it’s really nice.

جب آپ اسٹیج پر ہوتے ہیں تو کیا اب یہ آپ پر اثر انداز ہوتا ہے یا کیا آپ کافی تجربہ کار ہیں کہ آپ کو اکٹھا محسوس ہوتا ہے؟

I think I don’t have so much stage experience. When we played FURIA at the Major, it made a click I would say. I was stunned by the crowd there, we came on the stage and there was already one game going live and they were so loud. I have never heard anything like that before. They said “you can’t be scared now, you need to enjoy this now, enjoy the moment and play,” and I think since then I play much better and also I don’t feel so nervous. I feel nervous but I know how to deal with it much better than before on stage.

تجربے کے لحاظ سے، آپ کیسے کہیں گے کہ ٹیم کے دو سب سے زیادہ تجربہ کار کھلاڑی tabseN اور gob b نے آپ کے کھیل اور آپ کو بطور فرد متاثر کیا ہے؟

It’s not been so long that I’ve worked with gob b, it was just in the beginning that he swapped to VALORANT and now he is back again. I think he is really good at seeing why you are playing bad, how you can improve, how you can improve your aim, and how can improve your game in general. He’s not like a normal coach who just says “okay you did this wrong, you did this wrong.” Or “you missed this grenade, you missed this grenade.” It’s much deeper in how he is thinking and how he wants to help you. I think he’s doing a really good job.

Also tabseN, I think it’s hard for him because he has so many inexperienced players around him, so there’s no one who has an aura like he doesn’t give a fuck, everyone is a bit nervous and that makes him nervous as well, probably, if he feels like his players are nervous. I think the more we play these tournaments, the more of them we go to we will get much better.

آپ کے لیے ذاتی طور پر، جب آپ اس ٹورنامنٹ میں آ رہے تھے، خاص طور پر جب آپ کو پتہ چلا کہ آپ کا اسٹینڈ ان ہے، کیا آپ فائنل میں پہنچنے کی توقع کر رہے تھے؟

Not to the final, but we expected playoffs because we saw the groups and it’s best-of-one, so you can beat everyone. Then we started 3-0 and then, in the end, it wasn’t sure if we qualify but we did it somehow. We played against 500, I think we needed to beat this team even with a stand-in and now it was Sprout, I think they are a good team. I think they just need a bit more time maybe and then can get much better, but now I think the next game is Astralis or fnatic. They are both also with stand-ins, so I think we can win it now, everyone can win it now from these teams.

نوجوان ٹیم کے ساتھیوں پر k1to: "میں کبھی کبھی ان میں خود کو دیکھتا ہوں، جب میں چھوٹا تھا" PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. عمودی تلاش۔ عی

BIG اب فائنل میں جنونی کا مقابلہ کرے گا۔

آپ نے وہاں اس کا تذکرہ کیا، جو بھی ٹیم رہ گئی ہے اس کا اسٹینڈ ان ہے، آپ کے خیال میں اسٹینڈ ان والی ٹیمیں اس ایونٹ میں اتنی کامیاب کیوں ہوئیں؟

I think you have no pressure, you just enjoy the moment, especially these young academy players. They want to show “okay, I can play at this level,” they also have fun and they don’t tilt in these games, they give 100% all the time. I think then if you have a good mood you can hit some shots, you can go really deep right now with this meta, with this M4. It got nerfed now, but in this tournament, obviously, it’s still the old one. Everyone can kill everyone in the server.

کیا آپ کو اندازہ ہے کہ BIG آگے کیسا نظر آنے والا ہے؟

مجھے خود اندازہ نہیں ہے۔ میں اس روسٹر میں رہنا چاہتا ہوں، میں وہ سب کچھ دیتا ہوں جو میں اس روسٹر میں رہوں گا اور مجھے لگتا ہے کہ ہر کوئی ایک جیسا محسوس کر رہا ہے، ہر کوئی 100% دے رہا ہے اور ہمیں معلوم ہوگا کہ وقفے کے بعد یہ کیسا لگتا ہے۔

آپ جنونی اور آسٹرالیس میں سے کس کو کھیلنا پسند کریں گے؟

I don’t really care so much. fnatic, we lost important matches against fnatic, we lost important matches against Astralis. I think it was in Cologne last year we lost the last one against them, the third map was really close, Overpass I think it was. So I want to get revenge against Astralis and win in the small LANXESS arena here against them.

فائنل کے بارے میں آپ کیسا محسوس کر رہے ہیں، آپ کی کیا توقعات ہیں اور آپ اس تک کیسے پہنچیں گے؟

We want to win obviously, but we prepare the same against everyone. Probably we don’t know so much about them because they also play with stand-ins, so we don’t have so much to look into and there’s always a bit of randomness in the games, but play some DM before and hit some shots and we can do it.

آپ CS:GO کی نئی اپ ڈیٹ کے بارے میں کیسا محسوس کر رہے ہیں جو کہ ابھی گرا ہے؟

I think obviously we are known for our Dust2, so people think that we are bad now that it was nerfed. In the last year, we didn’t really play so good anymore since the big change with the suicide. The map was not our 100% win like it was before, we beat every team before on this map. I’m happy that there’s something new because gob is really good at finding new grenades and creating new executes, so Anubis will fit us. I think we’ll play it from the beginning.

The AWP change, I’m not sure if it does anything, especially the good AWPers, they don’t miss anyways. If they miss, they’re either dead or they are at a good position, so they can reload if they want to. The M4, I think it’s maybe enough, this change, we will see. We checked the range, I think it’s good with the few more bullets now. Then we also said how often there are people at 90hp so the change maybe doesn’t matter at all, but we will see.

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