
Best Crypto Debit Cards, Rated and Reviewed for 2022

Best Crypto Debit Cards, Rated and Reviewed for 2022 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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加密借记卡 (有时称为 比特币借记卡) allow you to spend your crypto assets in the real world, just like a standard debit card. These cards generally link to a crypto wallet or online account where you’ve stored bitcoin or other crypto assets. When you use the card to make a purchase, your crypto converts into dollars before the merchant processes it.

In other words, these debit cards let you easily spend your crypto assets, just like cash. Unlike 加密信用卡,你没有花你没有的钱:把它们想象成预付卡或礼品卡,但装满了加密货币而不是现金。


  1. Spend your original crypto: Some cards, like those from Coinbase, allow you to spend your crypto at any merchant that accepts Visa. Your crypto is converted into cash at the point of sale.
  2. Convert to native token: Other cards, like those from Crypto.com, convert your crypto to their own native token. Since this is like investing in a different asset, be sure to do your research before loading up these cards.

In this piece, we’ll show you our picks for 最好的加密借记卡 为2022。

产品描述 费用 加密支持 奖励
Coinbase Visa支持的加密货币借记卡 2.49%交易费 支持 9 种加密货币 截至4%
区块卡 Visa支持的虚拟或实体借记卡 $3 for U.S withdrawals, $3.50 internationally 支持13种货币,包括比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH) 高达6%的现金返还
Wirex Debit card supporting card cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies No monthly maintenance fees. 1% fee for funding Supports multiple currencies, including BTC, ETH, AND LTC 高达2%的现金返还
BlockFi Bitcoin Rewards crypto debit card 无年费或国外交易费 比特币 1.5%3%
Bitpay Bitpay 预付万事达卡 ATM取款$ 2.50 Just 6, including BTC and ETH 没有现金返还
Crypto.com Visa Prepaid card 没有年费。 2.50 美元的自动柜员机费用 90不同的加密货币 Cashback (up to 8%, depending on card)
努里 Debit card for customers based in the European Union Nuri only charges trading fees for BTC and ETC trades 比特币和Ethereum 没有现金返还
Binance European Crypto debit card 0.9% for ATM withdrawals and transaction fees 支持 30 种加密货币 8%的现金返还


Brian Armstrong 和 Fred Ehrsam 于 1 年 2012 月 XNUMX 日创立了 Coinbase,从那时起,它已经发展成为世界上最大和最受尊敬的加密公司之一。 (见我们的文章 如何投资Coinbase.)

The company’s crypto debit card allows cardholders to spend cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) anywhere Visa is accepted.

Your cryptocurrency debit card links to your Coinbase account, and all withdrawals come from there. To get started, you just need to open a Coinbase account or download the app, load it up with crypto, then request a debit card.


  • 来自受信任的加密货币交易所的世界级安全性。
  • 非接触式支付。
  • 奖励和现金返还。
  • Availability: Worldwide from ATMs, online, and in-store.


  • 用户需要一个 Coinbase 帐户。
  • Fees: Liquidation fees of 2.49% apply.
  • 仅支持 9 个密码。

结论: The Coinbase debit card is good for customers requiring ease of access to their cryptocurrencies, backed by the leading U.S. crypto exchange.



Blockcard 由科技公司 Ternio 推出,提供虚拟或实体借记卡,并与 Apple、Google 和 Samsung Pay 集成。


To add funds to a card, you convert your crypto assets into Ternio tokens (TERN). This is different from other debit cards, which let you hold your crypto assets in, say, bitcoin or Ethereum until you’re ready to spend. Understand TERN’s 价格历史 投资之前。


  • 支持比特币、以太坊和莱特币等加密货币,以及美元等法定货币。
  • 返现奖励。
  • 支持 13 种加密货币。


  • 您必须将您的加密货币转换为 Ternio 代币,这些代币的价值在历史上一直不稳定。
  • Fees: $3 for U.S ATM withdrawal fees, $3.50 internationally. A monthly $5 fee and transaction fees also apply.
  • Available in United States only.

结论:Blockcard 借记卡适合需要灵活性的美国客户; 小心将您的加密货币价值长期转换为 TERN。



Wirex 是一家总部位于英国的公司,提供供个人和企业使用的加密借记卡。 该公司为您提供非接触式卡,以及管理它的应用程序。

Wirex 的主要产品 Wirex Visa 卡允许您将法定货币转换为加密货币,并在接受非接触式支付的地点使用它。

该卡提供丰厚的奖励,许多人认为它是消费者福利的最佳选择,例如 Wirex X-tras,它提供高达 2% 的加密现金返还、12% 的 WXT 账户余额储蓄红利,以及访问独家商家优惠。

Wirex 借记卡还有其他好处,包括范围广泛的加密货币和免费或低费用,例如每月最多 250 美元的免费 ATM 取款,然后是 2%。

首先,注册、验证您的帐户、添加资金并在线或通过应用程序订购 Wirex 卡。


  • 费用:没有每月维护费用。 1% 的账户资金费用。
  • 返现奖励。
  • 支持 25 种加密资产。
  • 可用性:在全球范围内广泛使用。
  • 易于使用。


  • 全球限量供应。
  • 您需要 Wirex 代币才能获得最佳奖励。 Wirex 代币是公司的加密货币,它们为客户提供加密奖励以及访问 Wirex 的 DeFi 生态系统。新一代去中心化金融

结论:Wirex 借记卡非常适合需要低费用卡并轻松访问各种货币和法定货币的客户。



The Blockfi bitcoin debit card allows users to spend their crypto assets at any merchant accepting Visa cards.

It links directly to your cryptocurrency wallet, making it easier to spend your digital assets without converting them first.

There are several perks to signing up, including extra bitcoin for referrals and increased bonuses for new cardholders.


  • Register online using the “get started” form. Activate your account with the email verification code.
  • 进行存款。
  • Fill out the requested personal information and KYC requirements.


  • 现金返还奖金。
  • No annual or foreign transaction fees.


  • Only one currency (Bitcoin).
  • Availability is limited to Visa merchants.

结论: The BlockFi debit card is good for users who are just getting started and want to focus on one type of cryptocurrency while receiving cash back rewards.



BitPay 是一家提供比特币商户处理服务的美国公司。 它还为企业提供比特币支付处理解决方案。

Its crypto debit card links to your wallet through the BitPay app. You can then top up your crypto debit card via the app to convert your crypto and start spending.



  • 在美国没有兑换或转换费用
  • 没有年费。 收取 2.50 美元的 ATM 取款费用。
  • 高 ATM 取款水平。
  • 没有提款限制。


  • 仅限于美国。
  • No cashback offered.
  • 仅支持 6 个密码。

结论:Bitpay 借记卡非常适合不想支付兑换费用并且对有限范围的加密货币感到满意的美国居民。



Crypto.com 是一家总部位于香港的加密货币交易平台,专门提供比特币借记卡、加密货币钱包和其他相关产品。

The crypto debit card uses Crypto.com’s CRO currency. Users must first buy these tokens to fund their cards. Be sure you research CRO before investing in this token; because Crypto.com has aggressively marketed its brand, 价格波动.

该卡允许您在接受 Visa 的世界任何地方使用您的加密货币。


  • 充值加密货币和法定货币。
  • 没有年费。
  • 超过 90 种加密货币可用。
  • 返现奖励。


结论:Crypto.com 借记卡非常适合希望访问各种加密货币并选择具有各种奖励的卡的客户。



Available to customers in the European Union, Nuri is a crypto debit card with all the features of a standard debit card.

You can use the Nuri wallet to deposit and withdraw currencies to and from your account and convert, send, and receive coins with other wallets in the network.

New users can order a debit card through the Nuri app, which arrives within 14 days.


  • Advanced security features like biometrics and card blocking.
  • No monthly or withdrawal fees.
  • Nuri only charges trading fees for BTC and ETC trades.


  • 有限的可用性(仅限欧洲)。
  • No cashback.
  • Only 2 cryptos supported (Bitcoin and Ethereum)

结论: The Nuri debit card is good for European customers looking for cards without excessive fees.



Binance 是全球最大的加密货币交易所; 该公司于 2020 年推出了自己的加密借记卡,受到普遍好评。

该卡以实体和虚拟形式提供,可用于离线和在线消费。 其低月费和高返现水平使其成为欧洲消费者的最爱。

如果您是 Binance 客户,您可以从您的 Binance 账户订购他们的卡,或使用 Binance 页面底部的“卡”链接。



  • 每次购买的现金返还。 金额取决于您的卡级别和您账户中的 BNB 金额。
  • 性价比高。
  • 30 cryptos supported.


  • 有限的可用性(仅限欧洲)。
  • 需要在您的帐户中有大量资金才能达到最高的现金返还水平。
  • 交易费用高达 9%。




Crypto debit cards are a convenient way to shift your cryptocurrency into fiat currency, for those who want to spend crypto just like cash.

Keep in mind there are two kinds of crypto debit cards: those which allow you to keep your crypto in its original form (bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), and those which require you to convert to a native token (which is like investing in a different asset altogether).

Our top pick is the Crypto.com card, which offers a broad variety of cryptocurrencies, low costs, and wide availability. Keep in mind that you will need to convert your crypto to the CRO token, which adds an additional degree of risk to your holdings, so never put more on a debit card than you can afford to lose.


For more ways to manage your crypto investments, don’t forget to sign up for our free 区块链投资通讯.

该职位 Best Crypto Debit Cards, Rated and Reviewed for 2022 最早出现 比特币市场杂志.

Source: https://www.bitcoinmarketjournal.com/crypto-debit-card/