

Best Performing Cryptocurrency Funds for 2022 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Best Performing Cryptocurrency Funds for 2021_600 x 400


Crypto funds explained: A cryptocurrency fund is a new investment vehicle similar to mutual funds/ETFs, containing a portfolio of digital tokens and cryptos instead of stocks, indices, or commodities.

在这篇文章中,我们将重点介绍 2022 年最佳加密货币基金,为大大小小的投资者提供有针对性的建议。

According to Crypto Fund Research, since the first bitcoin fund was launched in 2013, over 800 cryptocurrency funds have been established. And this new market segment of the fund management industry is growing at a frenetic pace.

According to PWC research, total assets under management (AUM) of cryptocurrency funds nearly doubled between 2020 and 2021, from $2 billion to $3.8 billion. The median fund returns have also increased – from +30% in 2019 to +128% in 2020.

We evaluated several of these top-performing funds for this review, looking at key performance indicators, including their AUMs, number of employees, and tenure. The data used was primarily supplied by Crypto Fund List and Crypto Fund Research.

The Best Crypto Funds, Based on Performance

基金名称 产品描述 管理资产 发布日期


500创业 Originally started as 500 Startups, the Silicon Valley-based early-stage VC capital firm has a portfolio of over 2500 firms across 75+ countries. Investing across a wide range of sectors, they have blockchain and cryptocurrency startups in their portfolio, including BlockCypher and Hijro. 的美元1.8亿元 2010 140+ 4.70
AltaIR资本 AltaIR Capital is an Israel-based venture capital fund that was founded in 2010 to focus on investments in the technology sector. The fund invests in startups covering FinTech, InsurTech, Blockchain, SaaS, MedTech, AI, Cyber, and Consumer Internet and has made several blockchain investments in recent years such as REGA Risk Sharing. 600 百万美元 2010 24 3.50
Altana 数字货币基金 (ADCF) Part of Altana Wealth, ADCF has been trading in major cryptos in proportion to their market capitalization. Active since 2014, it has achieved phenomenal success with a combination of long and short strategies, deploying up to 50% of its assets trading cryptos. 92 百万美元 2014 26 2.80
灰度 Founded in 2013, Grayscale has quickly evolved into the world’s largest digital currency asset manager. In 2021, they achieved 73.4% coverage of the digital currency market, with a wide range of investment products including single-asset trusts and diversified crypto DeFi funds. 的美元55亿元 2013 46 4.60
Pantera 比特币基金 As the first US-based institutional asset manager to focus exclusively on a blockchain, Pantera Capital has been a pioneer in crypto funds since 2013. With over 80 venture investments and 70 early-stage token investments, the fund has expanded significantly in size in recent years. 的美元6亿元 2013 53 4.20
CoinShares Launched in 2014, Coinshares is Europe’s first and largest bitcoin investment fund. They provide diversified exposure to digital assets through a wide array of crypto ETFs, ETPs, and other multi-asset portfolios. 的美元5亿元 2014 54 4.20
Polychain Capital Polychain Capital, founded by Olaf Carlson-Wee, the first employee at Coinbase, seeks to provide its investors with “exceptional” returns through active management strategies. The fund invests in digital currencies and not companies. Their latest investment was in the Ethereum challenger called Avalanche (AVAX) in September 2021. 的美元2亿元 2016 38 3.20
BlockTower Capital Originally funded by VC firms Andreesen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures, BlockTower Capital is a crypto asset investment firm based in New York. The firm deploys a wide array of strategies, including DeFi yield farming, funding rate capitalization, and more. 150 百万美元 2017 50 2.10
爱心基金 This crypto hedge fund seeks to generate capital appreciation while reducing risk. Their strategy involves early-stage investments in over 20 crypto projects, automated trading on futures, and discretionary trading on higher liquidity cryptocurrency pairs. 56 百万美元 2017 22 1.70
1Confirmation 1Confirmation is an investment fund founded by Nick Tomaino with backing from Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, and Mark Cuban that invests in blockchain startups and digital tokens. Investments have included BTC, ETH, BAT, MakerDAO, and Augur. The fund raised over $125 million in 2021 for its third fund focusing on crypto startups and digital tokens. 200 百万美元 2017 4 1.90
Amentum 投资管理 Founded in 2017, Amentum Investment Management is a hybrid digital currency hedge fund that focuses on blockchain-based protocols and applications. The fund has invested in bitcoin, Ether, and other tokens, alongside crypto platforms like DexGrid, Connext, and NameBase. (no current data available) 2017 23 1.50
银河数字资本管理 The New York-based investment firm is focused on digital assets and blockchain technology. The firm uses a hybrid hedge fund/VC fund model. Founded by Michael Novogratz, its AUM has grown by almost 600% in a single year in 2021. 的美元3.1亿元 2018 200 - 500 3.80
3iQ Corp 数字资产管理 Founded in 2012 by Jean-Luc Landry and Fred Pye, 3iQ is Canada’s largest digital asset manager. It has multiple fully-regulated multi-asset crypto investment funds that provide accredited investors with exposure to digital assets such as bitcoin, Ether, and Litecoin. 的美元1.5亿元 2020 11-50 3.40

资料来源:新闻稿、Cryptofundintelligence.com、Aum13f.com、Crypto Fund Research、Crypto Fund List


对于关注整体一致性的投资者, 500 Global 是一个绝妙的选择。 他们的全球基金拥有令人难以置信的业绩记录,培育了 30 多家科技独角兽和 120 多家估值超过 100 亿美元的初创公司。 但它们不是“纯加密货币”基金。

如果您正在寻找一家更专注于加密货币的投资公司, 灰度 是明显的赢家。 数字不言而喻。 他们拥有超过 50 亿美元的资产管理规模,是目前全球运营的最大、最受尊敬的数字资产投资公司。

Both these firms only accept investments from accredited investors – high net-worth individuals ($1 million or more, excluding primary residence), or $5 million in assets/all beneficial owners as accredited investors.


There are plenty of other options aimed at individual investors from more modest backgrounds. If you want to invest smaller amounts in cryptos and digital tokens, the following are our top picks:

比特币和加密货币 ETF:交易所交易基金 (ETF) 是一种追踪特定标的资产价值的投资基金。 通常,资产是黄金/石油等商品、一揽子股票选择或主要指数。 您可以像投资股票一样投资 ETF——随心所欲地购买、出售、持有和交易它们。 在加密 ETF 中,该基金跟踪加密货币(或多种货币)的价格。 因此,它让个人投资者更容易获得加密货币,而无需学习如何打开和使用比特币钱包等。(您可以在我们的网站上了解有关加密 ETF 的更多信息 比特币 ETF 页面.)

比特币和加密股票:如今,有许多初创公司活跃在区块链行业。 我们还有许多与加密货币市场有着密切联系的上市公司。 受益于区块链和加密货币兴起的此类公司的股票被称为“大宗股票”。 对于希望间接接触加密货币的投资者来说,大宗股票是一个有趣的选择。 (要了解有关该主题的更多信息,请访问我们的 大宗股票页面.)

加密共同基金替代品:虽然我们有大量的加密 ETF 和股票,但与加密直接挂钩的共同基金并不存在。 原因很简单——共同基金有严格的监管限制,阻止他们关注加密货币等高风险资产。 但如果你想要类似于共同基金的投资选择, 替代品确实存在. 除了 ETF,还有其他交易所交易投资产品、加密对冲基金和代币化基金。 (请参阅我们的页面 顶级加密共同基金替代品.)


区块链和加密货币的去中心化精神一直培养着自己动手做的精神。 如果您需要一些额外的学习努力,您可以负责您的加密投资,而不是将其交给基金经理。 请记住一些基本要求和启动原则:

长期思考: if you put money in something blindly without adequate research/preparation, it is gambling. Avoid chasing after the next meme-coin in search of 100x returns; plan on buying a handful of high-quality digital assets, then holding on to them for 5+ years.

先还清你的债务:在开始投资加密货币等高风险途径之前,清除所有现有的短期贷款和债务,尤其是信用卡债务。 (抵押贷款和学生贷款被认为是“更好”的债务,因为它们往往能保值或增加你的收入潜力。)

建立储蓄缓冲: keep aside a fund of at least six months’ expenses, in case you need it in an emergency. After paying off all debts, start accumulating some savings before even thinking about investing in cryptos.

一旦您完成了这些步骤,我们就可以安全地进入投资加密货币的实际步骤。 遵循这些基本策略可以顺利开始:

  1.   购买少量优质数字资产:作为最受欢迎和最有价值的加密货币,比特币是初学者的绝佳选择。 如果你愿意,你也可以选择其他山寨币,但尽量选择前十名的代币——它们往往具有最大的流动性和可靠性。 (见我们的 未来获奖者组合 为我们的首选。)
  2.   长期持有: Constant trading in various cryptos is not recommended, especially for beginners. Long-term holding (or HODLing) has been the best way to generate excellent returns over time. See our 区块链信徒投资组合 因为我们的加密货币投资者社区在短短几年内取得了惊人的回报。
  3.   建立投资组合:考虑将加密资产与股票和债券等传统投资相结合。 (我们称之为 “Blockchain Believers Portfolio.”) 在这种方法中,您只需将 10% 的投资作为加密货币,同时保持 50-60% 的股票和 20-30% 的债券,就有可能超越传统投资者。


比特币投资 101:什么是比特币? 它是如何工作的? 如何投资?


DeFi投资101:这是什么? 您从哪里开始? 有什么风险?

如果您想了解更多关于数字货币市场的投资机会, 订阅《比特币市场杂志》 今天的新闻通讯!

该职位 2022年表现最佳的加密货币基金 最早出现 比特币市场杂志.

Source: https://www.bitcoinmarketjournal.com/cryptocurrency-funds/