

Top 10 DeFi Platforms in 2021 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Best Defi Platforms

去中心化金融 (DeFi) 是指提供“去中心化”金融工具和服务的网站,例如投资、借贷、交易、代币化房地产和保险。

在中心化金融中,银行或金融机构通常处于中间位置来管理资金; 通过去中心化金融,它是使用区块链技术点对点完成的。

DeFi is one of the biggest trends in the blockchain industry, as many believe it will overtake traditional finance. In this piece, our editors have researched the 顶级 DeFi 平台 to make the most of this new world of finance.

超越 TVL:我们如何对 DeFi 进行排名

Our editors use a set of criteria that allow us to gauge the “trust factor” of DeFi websites, such as year of launch, community following and 总价值锁定(TVL) in the protocols. Even though DeFi is a young industry, we’re looking for platforms that have stood the test of time, with a large user base and lots of value.

Most DeFi rankings look exclusively at TVL, which is misleading. The DeFi industry has over $100 billion locked in apps: think of this like money “locked” in traditional mutual funds or CDs. TVL does matter, as it represents the sum of funds available to a DeFi platform, like the lending and borrowing capacity of a bank.

也就是说,许多 DeFi 项目迅速吸引了大量资金,然后随着用户离开服务而迅速熄火。 所以 TVL 只是图片的一部分。 我们还寻找长寿,以及维持强大用户社区的长期能力——就像我们看待银行的历史和客户满意度一样,而不仅仅是它的规模。

名字 Platform Launch Year 全面、 特色服务 Total ($) Value Locked in DApp Community Following (Measured by Twitter Followers) 评分
制造者 2018 以太坊 借贷/稳定币 $18,590,000,000 190,400
曲线金融 2020 以太坊 Borrowing and Lending/Decentralized Exchange $15,560,000,000 205,000
AAVE 2017 以太坊 借贷 $12,670,000,000 349,000
复合肥产线 2018 以太坊 借贷/稳定币 $11,030,000,000 198,800
Uniswap 2018 以太坊 Token Exchange/Lending $8,290,000,000 718,000
工务局技术通告 2019 以太坊 DeFi令牌 $13,000,000,000 9,000
凸金融 2019 以太坊 办公室文员: $9,700,000,000 21,000
年财务 2020 以太坊 Borrowing and Lending/Yielding Farming $4,350,000,000 152,000
寿司交换 2020 以太坊 敏捷 $3,720,000,000 164,000
流动性 2020 以太坊 贷款 $2,430,000,000 22,000

Sources: DeFiPulse, DeFiReview, coinmarketcap, project websites


基于以太坊的 MakerDAO 是一个去中心化的抵押债务头寸(CDP)平台,支持稳定币 DAI,旨在保持其与美元的价值一对一。 用户可以通过锁定以太币 (ETH) 或其他以太坊资产作为抵押品来开立抵押债务头寸 (CDP),以接收 DAI 作为锁定资产的债务。 该平台使用 MKR 代币支付利息,一旦 CPD 关闭,支付的 DAI 和 MKR 就会被销毁。
推出年份: 2018
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 借贷/稳定币
总价值锁定: $18,590,000,000
Community Following: 190,400
得分了: 4.5


Curve finance is a decentralized exchange protocol on which users can swap and trade Ethereum-based assets. It also focuses on providing liquidity to the markets using a market-making algorithm that automatically buys and sells assets whilst profiting from the bid and ask price spreads, which incentivises users to add their funds to the overall pool and earn interest.
推出年份: 2020
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: Borrowing and Lending/Decentralized Exchange
总价值锁定: $15,560,000,000
Community Following: 205,000
得分了: 4.5


Aave,以前称为 ETHLend,是一个由以太坊驱动的去中心化点对点数字资产借贷市场。 点对点借贷平台使借款人和贷方能够就贷款条款达成一致,然后使用智能合约执行。

推出年份: 2017
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 借贷
总价值锁定: $12,670,000,000
Community Following: 349,000
得分了: 4.5


Compound Finance 是一种基于以太坊的开源货币市场协议,使用户能够借入或借出抵押品。 任何人都可以参与 Compound 的流动资金池,并开始从他们持有的数字资产中赚取利息。 利率根据平台上的供求情况进行调整。 Compound 支持 DAI、ETH 和 USDC 等数字资产。

Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 借贷/稳定币
总价值锁定: $11,030,000,000
Community Following: 198,800
得分了: 4.0


Uniswap 是以太坊网络上的去中心化交易所,使用户能够自主且快速地交易 ERC20 代币。 它通过一种算法来实现这一点,该算法根据流动性池中的供需匹配交易,消除了中间商和中介机构。

推出年份: 2018
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: Token Exchange/Lending
总价值锁定: $8,290,000,000
Community Following: 718,000
得分了: 4.0


A single WBTC is an ERC20 token with a value equal to one bitcoin. WBTC allows for BTC to exist on the Ethereum network, providing much greater liquidity to the DeFi ecosystem. It also enables users to stake BTC on interest yielding protocols.

推出年份: 2019
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: DeFi令牌
总价值锁定: $13,000,000,000
Community Following: 9,000
得分了: 3.5


Convex finance 是建立在 Curve finance 之上的 DeFi 协议。 Convex 协议通过简化 Curve 提升体验来最大化收益。 Curve LP(流动性池)提供者可以在不锁定 CRV 的情况下索取提升的 CRV(Curve DAO 代币)并赚取交易费。 当用户将一定数量的 CRV 代币存入 Convex 时,他们会收到一个名为 cvxCRV 的代币。 此外,用户可以选择质押 cvxCRV 代币,并通过 Convex 从 Curve 获得 CVX 代币作为质押奖励以及部分 CRV 奖励。

推出年份: 2019
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 办公室文员:
总价值锁定: $9,700,000,000
Community Following: 21,000
得分了: 3.5


The Yearn.Finance Protocol is an aggregator that aims to maximize earnings from yield farming platforms that leverage stablecoins. It does so by automatically switching between lending platforms as one becomes more profitable than the other. It does not, however, change the actual token initially deposited.

推出年份: 2020
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: Borrowing and Lending/Yielding Farming
总价值锁定: $4,350,000,000
Community Following: 152,000
得分了: 3.0


Sushiswap is an automated market maker(AMM) based on Uniswap’s code. This means it lets users trade digital assets without a central authority managing the trades. Instead, trades are processed using smart contracts, while mathematical formulas automatically set prices. Users can borrow, swap digital assets and earn rewards.

推出年份: 2020
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 敏捷
总价值锁定: $3,720,000,000
Community Following: 164,000
得分了: 3.0


Liquity is an interest-free decentralized borrowing protocol and stablecoin running on the Ethereum blockchain. Liquity uses ETH(Ether) as collateral to lend LUSD(a stablecoin pegged to USD). Borrowers lock ETH in a smart contract to create a “trove”, a Collateral Debt Position(CDP) where users interact with their loans. The debt value can be changed by either repaying the debt or adding more collateral. When the collateral is below 110%, the Trove is liquidated.

推出年份: 2020
Blockchain: 以太坊
服务: 贷款
总价值锁定: $2,430,000,000
Community Following: 22,000
得分了: 3.0

DeFi 入门

有多种方式可以开始使用 DeFi:

  • 赚取收益One way to earn “interest” on your crypto assets is by depositing them in DeFi platforms such as AAVE or 复合肥产线 that will pay you an Annual Percentage Yield. (See our current list of 最佳 DeFi 利率.)
  • 流动性挖掘: 本篇 allows users to earn yield for providing liquidity (capital) to a liquidity pool on a DEX (Decentralized Exchange). Users may also be paid rewards in the DEX’s in-house token, which may increase in value, a bit like owning “stock” in the company. (See our list of 顶级 Dex 聚合器.)
  • Trading on DEXs: Decentralized exchanges let people directly trade with each other, unlike centralized exchanges. This means you can often trade smaller coins on DEXes that you won’t find in centralized exchanges.

Witnessing the furious growth of DeFi projects has been astonishing. With new decentralized financial services being added every week, it’s one of the most exciting areas to watch. 

想深入了解 DeFi 吗?  订阅比特币市场期刊 !

该职位 10年十大DeFi平台 最早出现 比特币市场杂志.

Source: https://www.bitcoinmarketjournal.com/defi-platforms/