Binance står stærkt, da retten afviste SEC's anmodning

Binance står stærkt, da retten afviste SEC's anmodning

  • Retten afviste SEC's anmodning om en TRO og om at indefryse aktiver.
  • SEC's retssag har skadet kryptobørsens forretning og omdømme.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed a lawsuit against the world’s largest crypto udveksling, Binance. The SEC’s ongoing lawsuit against the leading crypto exchange has gained significant attention within the crypto community.

Den 17. juni blev kryptobørsen delt en opdatering om den igangværende retssag. Binance udtalte, at retten afviste SEC's anmodning om at TRO og indefryse aktiver på sin platform, hvilket var uberettiget af både kendsgerningerne og loven. 

Binance vil kæmpe til enden

Kryptobørsen Binance forsvarer sig mod SEC's retssag. I en nylig opdatering delte Binance, at SEC's retssag har skadet kryptobørsens forretning og omdømme.

Binance mentioned that the exchange was able to reach the court-ordered agreement with the SEC that allows it to continue its ordinary course of business. Moreover, the SEC has never presented any evidence on the påstand that the exchange misused customer assets. Even the SEC lawyers admitted that they had no proof that something like this had happened when questioned about it earlier this week.

I opdateringen udtrykte kryptobørsen, at SEC's anmodning ville have effektiviteten til at lukke sin forretning. SEC fortsatte sine bestræbelser på at få cryptocurrency-industrien til at falde, selv ved at fremlægge falske anklager. 

The SEC’s continuous allegations about the crypto industry had a massive indvirkning on the market. Especially the crypto exchange Binance has experienced huge damage. Moreover, the exchange has stated that it will keep fighting to defend itself from the lawsuit. The whole crypto community is waiting for the end of the lawsuit.


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