Der skal ikke være nogen tvivl

Der skal ikke være nogen tvivl

There should be no doubt PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Every organisation (enterprises, states, municipalities, 3rd sector) should asap deploy the now available simple EUDI-compatible applications for sending and receiving verified data (credentials) between each others, employees, citizens at large and many things.

Hvorfor? Produktivitetsspring (McKinsey: 3-6 % BNP-vækst – EU-kommission lidt mindre), servicespring (servicer ikke kunder – servér deres livsbegivenheder), risikostyringsspring, privatlivsspring, spring på det indre marked, etisk AI-spring – for at nævne nogle få . 

How? The states must see to it – as enterprises cannot get this done on their own. This means that the public sector must start promising now and sending asap all sorts of credientials for their own part – and thus open the eyes in homes and businesses. Demand does not create supply – it is the other way around. Banks should – as traditional identification credential providers see the good for society at large. Make the choice to be at the table – not on the menu.


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