PuppyScan sikkerhedskopiere, mens Shiba Inu Lead afslutter udviklingsarbejdet

PuppyScan sikkerhedskopiere, mens Shiba Inu Lead afslutter udviklingsarbejdet

- Annonce -

Post Updated on: (April 13, 2023, @ 09:08:30 UTC.) Shibarium beta blockchain explorer, commonly known as Puppynet, was down for 14 hours but is now back up.

- Annonce -

Puppyscan, the dedicated blockchain explorer for Shibarium beta Puppynet, experienced downtime for 14 hours. Reports of the situation surfaced following a recent tweet from Shytoshi Kusama, Shiba Inu project lead, wherein he hinted at engaging in development work while listening to classical music.

Kusama disclosed yesterday on Twitter that he was moving “a few chess pieces” while constantly listening to Pianistec’s rendition of the classical song “Duel of the Fates.”

Navnlig har Kusama en tendens til at drille sine forpligtelser over for samfundet via tweets og revisioner af hans Twitter bio. Hans seneste bemærkninger har fremkaldt spekulationer om, at Shiba Inu-lederen antydede udviklingsarbejde, og nogle tyder på, at et sådant arbejde kunne vedrøre opgraderinger eller rettelser på Puppynet, da Kusamas tweet faldt sammen med den nylige nedetid for Puppyscan. 

Under opgraderinger eller rettelser kan et netværk opleve nedetid, da de ændringer, der implementeres, kan forstyrre den sædvanlige funktion af netværket, hvis det er operationelt, hvilket resulterer i fejl eller uoverensstemmelser, der hindrer dets gnidningsløse drift.

- Annonce -

Reports of the recent Puppyscan downtime first emerged in the community-driven Shibarium Telegram group shortly after Kusama’s tweet. Several users noted that the blockchain explorer was displaying a 504 error. 

SHIBariums hjemmeside nede
SHIBariums hjemmeside nede

There have been no official statements on the cause of the downtime. However, the explorer is back up as of press time, with 97% of blocks currently indexed. A note disclosed that the indexing process is not yet complete, and some counts may be inaccurate.

Puppyscan back up
Puppyscan back up

Puppynet overgår forventningerne

Meanwhile, as observed on the explorer, Puppynet has so far exceeded the community’s expectations, constantly hitting unprecedented milestones as widespread adoption increases. Notably, just six days after relaunched with a new Chain ID, the Shibarium beta network hilste over 100 tegnebøger, efter at have behandlet mere end 194 transaktioner.

Knap to uger efter at Puppynet opnåede denne bedrift, registrerede Puppynet astronomiske 1,095 % i transaktionsantal med transaktioner bølgende to a massive 2.25 million on April 12 with 2.7 million in total transactions.

These metrics emphasize the mounting attention that the Shibarium beta network has been attracting, offering a glimpse into the extensive adoption that Shibarium is expected to encounter upon its launch on the mainnet.

- Annonce -


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