Wie vernetzte Autos das Automotive Captive Finance verändern

Wie vernetzte Autos das Automotive Captive Finance verändern

How Connected Cars Are Reshaping Automotive Captive Finance PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Die Connected-Car-Technologie revolutioniert die Automotive-Captive-Finance-Branche, indem sie bestehende Finanzierungs- und Versicherungsansätze transformiert, basierend auf Erkenntnissen aus Telematikdaten.

In den Vereinigten Staaten ermöglichen Telematikdaten Versicherungsunternehmen, Fahrern Rabatte anzubieten, die sich an sichere Fahrpraktiken halten, indem sie sich an Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen halten oder verantwortungsvolle Bremsgewohnheiten befolgen.  

Across Europe, this is taking shape with financial institutions partnering with automakers to use real-time connected car data to customize their financing terms. For example, drivers who exhibit consistent, safe driving behavior can look forward to receiving lower interest rates.

In some Southeast Asian countries, including Japan and South Korea, businesses leverage connected car data to improve fleet management. Corporate financing solutions are tailored after considering how a fleet has performed regarding fuel efficiency and prescribed vehicular maintenance requirements.

Erweiterung der Optionen für die Automobilfinanzierung

As things stand, automotive captive financiers are aligned closest to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) dealers and provide financial solutions best suited to this partnership. With the proliferation of connected car technology, financiers can be expected to offer a larger variety of customized offerings for other stakeholders in the automotive industry, including insurers and customers.

These offerings can be further bundled with other key services that car buyers can avail themselves of throughout their vehicle ownership lifecycle. This possibility promises several exciting personalization outcomes in what customers can expect from their automotive captive financiers, which are bound to help fuel customer retention and satisfaction.

Another example is using a vehicle, driver, and any existing loan/lease data to offer customers pre-approved financing for car upgrades based on their responsible driving habits and equity in their current vehicle. This seamless, data-driven approach creates a win-win for both financiers and customers, enriching the entire car ownership experience.

Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses

Consider, for example, the role connected car data can play in helping improve customer service responsiveness by facilitating quicker decision-making. While on-vehicle diagnostics can enable proactive assessments and recommendations, over-the-air software repairs can help prevent cumbersome, time-intensive, and in-person visits to a dealership.

Similarly, data from connected cars can help promote personalized upgrades based on customers’ driving patterns, whether to existing infotainment features or navigation apps. Also, this data and insights derived from it can be used to execute supplier optimization using vehicle-performance data to perform product enhancement, including for existing subscription services.

Auch die Kombination von zwei oder mehr gebündelten Paketen aus Autofinanzierung, Versicherung, mehrjährigen Wartungspaketen und Infotainment-Diensten kann aufgrund seiner Komfort- und Kosteneffizienzmerkmale Verbraucher für den Automobilfinanzierungsmarkt gewinnen.

Anpassung an softwaredefinierte Fahrzeuge

Mit Hilfe der Connected-Car-Technologie neue Wege zu beschreiten, ist für die Automobil-Captive-Finanzierung genau der richtige Zeitpunkt. Ein kürzlich

Die Studie legt nahe, dass der Kfz-Ersatzteilmarkt aufgrund der prognostizierten Verlagerung hin zu softwaredefinierten Fahrzeugen voraussichtlich vor Herausforderungen stehen wird. Diese Verschiebung, die voraussichtlich bis 2030 zu einem Rückgang der Aftermarket-Umsätze führen wird, wird auch die Gewinne geringfügig steigern.

Während die durchschnittlichen Wartungskosten pro Fahrzeug in den USA bis 8 voraussichtlich um etwa 2032 Prozent sinken werden, wird ein Anstieg des Gewinns pro Fahrzeug prognostiziert

13 Prozent
aufgrund margenstarker Dienstleistungen wie fortschrittlicher Fahrerassistenz und Infotainment im Fahrzeug. Diese umfangreichen Funktionsfunktionen sind typisch für die personalisierten Dienste, die die Connected-Car-Technologie ermöglicht.

Außerdem eine Verschiebung von ca
USD 4 Milliarden
in profits is projected within the value chain, favoring automotive OEMs and suppliers, who can directly connect with customers. This is again an area where automotive captive finance companies can leverage the insights that connected car technology can provide to personalize their offerings.

Nutzung skalierbarer Technologie

As connected cars become more prevalent, it will be essential for all stakeholders in the automotive industry—including automotive captive financiers—to proactively develop the requisite technical capabilities and infrastructure to maintain a competitive edge.

This is why adopting scalable, flexible, and innovative technologies will significantly impact automotive captive financiers’ growth and competitiveness. Not only do they attract tech-savvy customers, but they also foster wider industry-level partnerships. By facilitating robust, data-driven decision-making, these scalable technologies empower companies to customize financial products and services for their clientele, leading to more effective risk management.  

Moreover, adopting these technologies will also lead to an enhanced customer experience, with features like proactive online applications and personalized advice boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty. These technologies will also assist compliance, ensuring adherence to regulations while minimizing financial risks.

Agilität verankern

Another value scalable technologies will enable is facilitating agile product development, which will allow automotive captive financiers to provide their customers with quicker responses to market demands with the help of innovative financing options. This agility will be vital for automotive captive finance companies to maintain their competitive advantage and meet changing customer needs.

Looking ahead, some of the emerging trends in connected car tech that will significantly impact the automotive finance industry include the incorporation of drive recorders, advancements towards fully autonomous driving capabilities, enhanced safety features, remote maintenance capabilities, high-end navigation systems, and smartphone integrations. While industry leaders gear up technologically and operationally to deal with the unforeseeable future, mastering the analysis of diverse datasets will be crucial. The entire ecosystem will have to work closely to ensure that customers get the cost-effective, intuitive, personalized, and agile automotive financial solutions they want and seek.


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