Bitcoin: suur jõukuse ülekanne võib tulla oodatust varem PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Bitcoin: suur varade ülekanne võib tulla oodatust varem

Hiljemalt Bitcoin bull run pushed crypto to the fringes of mainstream investing, at the very least. The exponential price surge, coupled with mounting institutional interest, was reflective of the general perception that digital assets are a valuable addition to investment portfolios. Moreover, it is not just big-ticket investors but even comparatively smaller portfolio holders that are looking into Bitcoin investments and the interest is only growing by the minute.

Bitcoin: suur jõukuse ülekanne võib tulla oodatust varem PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

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Uus õppima by Washington-based analytics firm Gallup revealed that Bitcoin investments by American adults having more than $10,000 in traditional investment vehicles tripled over the last three years. It went from a 2% to 6% portfolio allocation, a finding which suggested that Bitcoin is slowly reaching general acceptance and entering the maintenance market.

Gallupi investorite optimismi indeksi teise kvartali uuring näitas lisaks, et noored täiskasvanud investorid on tõenäolisemalt Bitcoini investeeringute tegijad. Samuti leiti, et 13% 18–49-aastastest omas Bitcoini, võrreldes 3. aastal vaid 2018% -ga.

Kuid BTC-l on olnud raskem teha sisemaad vanemate investoritega, kuna ainult 3% üle 50-aastastest omab digitaalset vara. See arv on aga kolmekordistunud 3 aasta tagusest ajast, kui see oli vaid 1%. Isegi nii näitab see arv üldist kõhklust, mis veteraninvestoritel krüptovaluutade osas on.

There is also a visible gender disparity between investors as it was found that out of those surveyed, male BTC investors amounted to 11% while only 3% are female. This, alas, is in line with the general consensus from previous reports about female investors lagging behind. That being said, some reversal was being seen of late, with the same underlined by data from trading websites like eToro ja Robin Hood.

Krüpto kriitiline tõus näis pöörduvat, kuna need, kes uskusid, et pole kunagi krüpto ostmisest huvitatud, langesid aastatel 72–58 2018% -lt 2021% -le. Samamoodi langes krüptoga seotud riskitaju samal ajal märkimisväärselt isegi kui enamik suhtus sellesse endiselt kahtlevalt.

Igal juhul vähenes küsitletud investorite osakaal, kes nimetasid seda "väga ohtlikuks", 75% -lt 60% -le, isegi kui 35% arvas, et see on "märkimisväärselt ohtlik", ja ainult 5% pidas seda ohtudeta.

Eespool nimetatud aruanne lõpetati, öeldes:

“Large investments in bitcoin by well-known companies such as Tesla, Square, and Morgan Stanley may be giving it more mainstream credibility.”

Sellest hoolimata ei ole nooremate ja vanemate investorite vahelised erinevused üllatavad. Millennialid on teadaolevalt krüptotööst kõige entusiastlikumad, kuna nad on elus, kus nad saavad riskida ja omavad uut tehnoloogiat rohkem. Pealegi oli 2008. aasta finantskriis paljudele neist silmad ette võtnud ning nad on endiselt hädas, et säilitada oma usaldus praeguse finants- ja pangandussüsteemi vastu.

The Gallup report’s findings have given impetus to the belief that the greatest generational wealth transfer in which millennials are set to pärida $68 trillion from older generations will be beneficial for Bitcoin. It is considered unlikely that gold, which has already fallen in popularity, and other stocks and investments will receive the bulk of this wealth as more millennials and Gen Z shift towards unconventional banking.

In fact, it was found in a recent CNBC uuring that half of the surveyed millennial millionaires had invested at least 25% of their wealth into cryptocurrencies, while over a third of them had over 50% investments in crypto. Other Uuringud have also found that millennials are more likely to trust their dentist than banks and Wall Street.

Kuna rohkem aastatuhandeid viivad oma rikkused traditsioonilisest pangandusest krüptosüsteemi, võib see eelseisev varade ülekandmine olla lihtsalt üks suuremaid revolutsioone, mida finantsajalugu on kunagi näinud, kuna see näeb rikkust omanikku vahetamas mitte ainult põlvkondade kaupa, vaid ka finantsasutuste ja süsteemide kaudu.

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