Jaapani ühine uurimisrühm võitis peaministri auhinna ülikõrge jõudlusega andmetöötlusplatvormiga, kasutades ühiselt väljatöötatud 64-kubitist kvantarvutit

Jaapani ühine uurimisrühm võitis peaministri auhinna ülikõrge jõudlusega andmetöötlusplatvormiga, kasutades ühiselt väljatöötatud 64-kubitist kvantarvutit

TOKYO, 15. märts 2024 – (JCN Newswire) – A Japanese consortium of research partners including RIKEN, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Osaka University, Fujitsu Limited, and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) have been recognized with the prestigious Prime Minister’s Award as part of the 53rd Japan Industrial Technology Awards for the successful development of a high-performance computing platform that leverages Japan’s second domestically-made superconducting quantum computer.

The platform leverages Japan’s second domestically-made 64-qubit superconducting quantum computer, which has been offered on the cloud since October 2023 to promote its use for commercial industrial research and development, and jointly developed by Fujitsu and RIKEN based on the know-how for the development of the first domestically-made 64-qubit superconducting quantum computer released in March 2023 by the joint research group.

The research group offered Japan’s first superconducting quantum computer under a joint research agreement for non-commercial use for the purpose of promoting and developing research and development in quantum computation and other fields. RIKEN and Fujitsu also unveiled Japan’s second superconducting quantum computer, based on the technology of the first superconducting quantum computer, on the cloud for industrial research and development in 2021, two and a half years after they established the RIKEN RQC-Fujitsu Collaboration Center.

These milestones highlight the rapid progress and innovative potential of Japan’s original quantum technologies, which are now demonstrating the ability to withstand the demands of the first stages of industrial application. One particularly promising technology is the superconducting quantum bit chip design proposed by RIKEN, which uses a unique three-dimensional mounting layout with scalability that can support expansion to the 1,000-qubit level.

RIKEN and Fujitsu’s superconducting quantum computer is provided as part of a hybrid quantum computing platform that also supports Fujitsu’s 40-qubit quantum simulator, which remains one of the largest scale simulators in the world (1). This platform implements a scalable cloud architecture that allows seamless operation of both quantum computers and quantum simulators to promote and accelerate adoption and collaboration between various companies.

Japanese joint research group win Prime Minister's Award with ultra high-performance computing platform using jointly developed 64-qubit quantum computer PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
Japan’s second domestically-made superconducting quantum computer

The platform was highly praised at the 53rd Japan Industrial Technology Awards for its technological capabilities (originality and advancement), and for marking an important step toward the industrial use of quantum computers based on Japan’s unique quantum technology, and for its connection to efforts to expand the search for practical applications for quantum technology in various fields such as materials, finance, and drug discovery by providing a combination of quantum computing and quantum simulators to companies to engage in joint research projects.

In the future, the platform is anticipated to stimulate further research and development of quantum applications and accelerate the practical application of quantum computing technologies for both hardware and software, offering access to companies engaged in research in various fields.

The joint research group will continue to promote the social implementation of quantum computing by leveraging the strengths of each organization.

About the Japan Industrial Technology Awards

The Japan Industrial Technology Awards, sponsored by the Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun newspaper, honors companies and organizations that have contributed to industry and society over the year through the development and practical application of innovative large-scale industrial equipment and structures, and cutting-edge technology. It was established in 1972 to celebrate achievements that have contributed to the development of society and to encourage technological development. This marks the 53rd time that the award has been given to recognize “achievements that bring together comprehensive technology,” an increasingly relevant distinction for today’s era of industrial sophistication and systemized technology.


This work was supported by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) “Research and Development of Superconducting Quantum Computers” (Team Leader: Yasunobu Nakamura; Grant No. JPMXS 0118068682)

(1) one of the largest scale simulators in the world :
Maailma suurim püsiv spetsiaalne olekuvektori meetodi kvantsimulaator (Fujitsu andmetel 2023. aasta septembri seisuga)

Fujitsu kohta

Fujitsu eesmärk on muuta maailm jätkusuutlikumaks, luues innovatsiooni kaudu ühiskonnas usaldust. Meie 100 124,000 töötajat, kes on enam kui 6702 riigis klientidele valitud digitaalse ümberkujundamise partner, töötavad selle nimel, et lahendada inimkonna ees seisvaid suurimaid väljakutseid. Meie teenuste ja lahenduste valik põhineb viiel võtmetehnoloogial: andmetöötlus, võrgud, tehisintellekt, andme- ja turvalisus ning ühtlustavad tehnoloogiad, mille ühendame jätkusuutlikkuse muutmiseks. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:3.7) teatas 28. märtsil 31 lõppenud eelarveaasta konsolideeritud tuludest 2023 triljonit jeeni (XNUMX miljardit USA dollarit) ja on turuosa poolest Jaapanis endiselt suurim digiteenuste ettevõte. Leia rohkem: www.fujitsu.com


RIKEN is Japan’s largest comprehensive research institution renowned for high-quality research in a diverse range of scientific disciplines. Founded in 1917 as a private research foundation in Tokyo, RIKEN has grown rapidly in size and scope, today encompassing a network of world-class research centers and institutes across Japan. https://www.riken.jp/en/about/ 

About National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

AIST, one of the largest public research organizations in Japan, focuses on the creation and practical realization of technologies useful to Japanese industry and society, and on “bridging” the gap between innovative technological seeds and commercialization.

AIST, as a core and pioneering existence of the national innovation system, has about 2300 researchers doing research and development at 12 research bases across the country, based on the national strategies formulated bearing in mind the changing environment regarding innovation. https://www.aist.go.jp/index_en.html

About National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

As Japan’s sole National Research and Development Agency specializing in the field of information and communications technology, NICT is charged with promoting ICT sector as well as research and development in ICT, which drives economic growth and creates an affluent, safe and secure society.

Lisateabe saamiseks külastage palun https://www.nict.go.jp/en/

Osaka ülikoolist

Osaka ülikool asutati 1931. aastal ühena Jaapani seitsmest keiserlikust ülikoolist ja on nüüd üks Jaapani juhtivatest laia distsiplinaarspektriga ülikoolidest. See tugevus on ühendatud ainulaadse innovatsioonipüüdlusega, mis laieneb kogu teadusprotsessile, alustades alusuuringutest kuni positiivse majandusliku mõjuga rakendustehnoloogia loomiseni. Tema pühendumust innovatsioonile on tunnustatud Jaapanis ja kogu maailmas, nimetades 2015. aastal Jaapani kõige uuenduslikumaks ülikooliks (Reuters 2015 Top 100) ja 2017. aastal üheks maailma kõige uuenduslikumaks asutuseks (Innovatiivsed ülikoolid ja Nature Index Innovation 2017). . Nüüd kasutab Osaka ülikool oma rolli määratud riikliku ülikoolikorporatsioonina, mille haridus-, kultuuri-, spordi-, teadus- ja tehnoloogiaministeerium on valinud, et aidata kaasa innovatsioonile inimeste heaolu, ühiskonna säästva arengu ja sotsiaalse ümberkujundamise nimel.

Koduleht: https://resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/en

About Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)

NTT usub ühiskondlike probleemide lahendamisesse oma äritegevuse kaudu, rakendades tehnoloogiat lõplikult. Aitame klientidel kiirendada kasvu ning teha uuendusi praeguste ja uute ärimudelite jaoks. Meie teenuste hulka kuuluvad digitaalsed ärikonsultatsioonid, tehnoloogia ja hallatavad teenused küberjulgeoleku, rakenduste, töökoha, pilve, andmekeskuse ja võrkude jaoks, mida kõike toetab meie sügav tööstusalane asjatundlikkus ja innovatsioon. Maailma viie parima tehnoloogia- ja ärilahenduste pakkujana tegutsevad meie mitmekesised meeskonnad enam kui 5 riigis ja piirkonnas ning pakuvad teenuseid enam kui 80-le. Teenindame üle 190% Fortune Global 80 ettevõtetest ning tuhandeid teisi kliente ja kogukondi üle maailma. NTT kohta lisateabe saamiseks külastage www.global.ntt/.

Vajutage Kontaktid:

Fujitsu Limited
Avalike ja investorsuhete osakond

RIKEN Global Communications
Phone: +81-(0)48-462-1225
E-mail: pr@riken.jp

Riiklik arenenud tööstusteaduste ja -tehnoloogia instituut (AIST)
Media Relations Office, Branding and Public Relations Department
E-mail: hodo-ml@aist.go.jp

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Press Office, Public Relations Department
E-mail: publicity@nict.go.jp

Osaka ülikool
Dr Makoto Negoro (dotsent, Osaka ülikooli kvantteabe ja kvantbioloogia keskuse asedirektor)
E-mail: negoro.sec@qiqb.osaka-u.ac.jp

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
NTT Service Innovation Laboratory GroupPublic Relations
E-mail: nttrd-pr@ml.ntt.com


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