Ethereum, Uniswap, Polygon, BSC: DeFi osapool nihkub sellesse võrku PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Ethereum, Uniswap, Polygon, BSC: DeFi-partei läheb üle sellele võrgule

The DeFi market, during its early stages, laid the groundwork for growth for a host of blockchain networks including the likes of Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. However, with a massive kukkumine in Total Value Locked, the DeFi ecosystem has been losing traction of late. 

Nagu alltoodud diagrammilt nähtub, kahekordistas detsentraliseeritud börside (DEX) maht aprilli-mai perioodil ennast. Paraku lõppes see järgmise kuu jooksul poole võrra. Juuni lõpuks olid sama näitajad 95 miljardit dollarit.

Ethereum, Uniswap, Polygon, BSC: DeFi osapool nihkub sellesse võrku PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Allikas: Messari

Värske Messari teatel aru, Binance Smart Chain was far more affected than Ethereum because of this plunge. Here, it should be noted that Binance has been in dire straits lately on the regulatory front. In fact, after being on the regulatory radar of the Ühendkuningriik, Tai, Jaapan, Cayman Islands, and Ontario, the platform lost several partnerships including the one with Europe’s Clear Junction. 

Eespool nimetatud mürtsu tõttu on DeFi sektori ebarahuldav tulemus Binance'i olukorda ainult halvendanud. Binance'i targa keti peale ehitatud DEX PancakeSwap nägi juunis ka oma mahu langemist 69%. Veelgi enam, BSC kahjumid on muutunud Polygoni kasumiks. Aruandes märgiti, 

“The rise of Polygon also played a significant role in eating away Binance Smart Chain’s (BSC) share of decentralized exchange volumes. As the party shifted towards Polygon, with its new set of tokens to speculate on and farms to harvest, BSC was squeezed out of the picture.”

Ethereum, Uniswap, Polygon, BSC: DeFi osapool nihkub sellesse võrku PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Allikas: Messari

DinoSwap, the multi-chain farming powerhouse, has been able to take advantage of Polygon’s growth. Based on top of Polygon, DinoSwap has managed to raise $ 4.7 miljonit from leading DeFi funds. If Dino manages to garner even more traction over the next few months, it has the potential to become the main platform to earn yields on Polygon.

Tegelikult on Polygoni TVL alates aprillist tõusnud miljardilt dollarilt ligi 1 miljardile. Hoolimata eelmisel kuul registreeritud laiemast turu langusest, on Polygoni TVL ainult jätkuvalt tõusnud.

Lisaks on Ethereumis asuv DEX Uniswap suutnud oma ohjad tagasi saada ja oma positsiooni DEX-turul oluliselt tugevdada. Messari aruanne on esile tõstetud, 

“Uniswap v3 now accounts for more than 40% of all DEX volume and continues to eat the DEX market, showing no signs of slowing down.”

Ethereum, at this point, seems to have a clear edge over Binance Smart Chain. However, looking at the competitive space at the moment, other networks have the potential to compete with and perhaps, ignoreerimine Ethereum over the upcoming months.

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