Facebook teatab plaanist müüa Libra Crypto Project PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Facebook teatab plaanist müüa Libra krüptoprojekt

Facebook teatab plaanist müüa Libra Crypto Project PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

The Libra/ Diem cryptocurrency project that was started so long ago by Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook is presently up for sale. The project has come crashing down underneath the heavy regulatory scrutiny it’s experienced, and it looks like Zuckerberg is eager to move on.

Facebook soovib Kaalud lõplikult lõpetada

Eesmärk on müüa kogu praegu Diemi ühingus hoitav käibevara. Nii saab raha investoritele tagastada ja ettevõte, mida praegu tuntakse Meta nime all, saab hakata tegelema muude asjadega ja keskenduma tulevikule. Väidetavalt räägib ettevõte investeerimispankuritega, mida edasi teha. Ilmselt soovib ettevõte oma intellektuaalomandit müüa ja järelejäänud väärtuse tagasi nõuda. Samuti soovib ettevõte paigutada oma krüptotehnoloogiat kujundanud insenerid teistesse osakondadesse.

Võib väita, et Diem – endise nimega Kaalud – on üks suurimaid tõrkeid krüptoruumis. Projekt kuulutati välja 2019. aasta suvel. See kestab juba kolm aastat ja see on igal sammul kogenud keerdkäike. Projekt ei ole kunagi saanud käima lükata, peamiselt tänu rangetele surveregulaatoritele ja Kongressi liikmetele, kes on Facebooki pannud, arvestades oma minevikku Cambridge Analyticaga.

. Cambridge Analytica skandaal occurred in the year prior to Libra’s announcement. The social media giant was allegedly in cahoots with the company and selling users’ private data to executives for advertising purposes. There was just one problem… Nobody knew this was happening. As a result, CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg had to sit before a regulatory committee and answer some harsh questions about what his goals were and where he got the nerve to do what he did.

Asjad olid inimeste jaoks lihtsalt liiga hirmutavad

Congress wasn’t convinced by the responses he gave, and as a result, Facebook was forced to pay a fine that sat in the billions. About a year later, the firm – which changed its name to Meta in 2021 – decided that it was going to cash in on the growing crypto craze and create Libra, which would later be called Diem (there’s a lot of name-changing going on around here). The firm would establish a cryptocurrency that customers could utilize to purchase goods and services. They could also store it in a digital wallet known as Calibra.

Unfortunately, the Cambridge Analytica scandal was still fresh in everybody’s heads, and nobody wanted to get involved with Facebook’s new financial goals. They did not want to share their monetary information with the company, and Libra was never quite able to get off the ground. David Marcus – the head of the blockchain division at Facebook – also wound up leaving the firm, and now it looks like the company is ready to call it quits and focus on other areas.

Sildid: Diem, Facebook, Kaalud, Mark Zuckerberg Allikas: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/facebook-announces-plans-to-sell-libra-crypto-project/


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