Telegram reklaamiostude lubamiseks Toncoini abil – dekrüpteerida

Telegram reklaamiostude lubamiseks Toncoini abil – dekrüpteerida

Messaging app Telegram will enable users to purchase advertisements using toncoin (TON), with a revenue share program that will reward channel owners.

Vastavalt ühele teadaanne yesterday, Telegram users will be able to purchase in-platform advertisements with budgets starting at “a handful of Toncoins,” to promote bots and channels.

Reklaamijad saavad valida täpsed kanalid, kus Telegrami reklaame kuvatakse, samas kui üle 1,000 tellijaga kanalite omanikud saavad 50% nende kanalites kuvatavatest reklaamidest saadavast tulust.

The launch of Toncoin payments for in-platform ads follows the teadaanne earlier this year of Telegram’s ad revenue sharing program, in which revenue is distributed to channel owners in the cryptocurrency.

Telegrami reklaamiplatvorm
Telegrami reklaamiplatvorm. Pilt: Telegram

Withdrawals for channel owners will become available “in the coming weeks,” through Telegram’s fragment exchange, according to the announcement Sunday.

"Kanaliomanikud saavad oma preemiad ilma tasudeta välja võtta või investeerida need uuesti Telegrami reklaamidesse, kogutavatesse kasutajanimedesse või Premiumi kingitustesse," kirjutas ettevõte.

Mis on Toncoin?

TON originally stood for Avatud võrgu telegramm, with Telegram engineers töötan the TON blockchain platform and the Gram cryptocurrency built atop it. However, the company mahajäetud its plans for the network following a protracted dispute with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which alleged that the $1.7 billion ICO for Grams constituted an illegal securites offering.

After Telegram withdrew from the project and refunded investors from the token sale, a non-commercial group of community developers continued the open-source project, renaming it to The Open Network and launching Toncoin as the its native currency. The TON blockchain has subsequently been used to underpin projects like game and meme coin Notcoin.

Telegram teatas, et on otsustanud kasutada Toncoini platvormisiseste reklaamimaksete jaoks selle "madalate tasude" ja "suure tehingukiiruse" tõttu.

Olge kursis krüptouudistega, saate oma postkasti igapäevaseid värskendusi.


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