Lühike sissejuhatus RGB-protokollidesse PlatoBlockchain andmeluure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Lühike sissejuhatus RGB-protokollidesse

On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto launched the first Bitcoin node. From that moment, new nodes joined and Bitcoin began to behave as if it were a new form of life, a form of life that has not stopped evolving. Little by little, it has become the safest network in the world as a result of its unique design — very well thought out by Satoshi — because, through economic incentives, it attracts users, commonly called miners, to invest in energy and computing power which contributes to network security.

As Bitcoin continues its growth and adoption, it faces scalability issues. The Bitcoin network allows a new block with transactions to be mined in approximately 10 minutes. Assuming we have 144 blocks in a day with maximum values ​​of 2,700 transactions per block, Bitcoin would have allowed only 4.5 transactions per second. Satoshi was aware of this limitation, we can see it in an e-mail saadeti 2011. aasta märtsis Mike Hearnile, kus ta selgitab, kuidas see, mida me täna maksekanalina tunneme, toimib. Siin tulevad appi ahelavälised protokollid.

Christian Deckeri sõnul, off-chain protocols are usually systems in which users use data from a blockchain and manage it without touching the blockchain itself until the last minute. Based on this concept, the Lightning Network was born, a network that uses off-chain protocols to allow Bitcoin payments to be made almost instantaneously. Since not all these operations are written on the blockchain, it allows thousands of transactions per second and scales Bitcoin.

Research and development in the area of ​​off-chain protocols on Bitcoin has opened a Pandora’s box. Today we know that we can achieve much more than value transfer in a decentralized way, the nonprofit LNP/BP standardite ühing focuses on development of Layer 2 and 3 protocols on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Among these projects, RGB eristub.

Mis on RGB?

RGB põhines Peter Toddi uurimus on single-use seals and client-side validation and envisioned in 2016 by Giacomo Zucco as a better asset protocol for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Further evolution of these ideas led to the development of RGB into a fully-fledged smart contract system by Maxim Orlovsky, who is leading its implementation since 2019 with community participation.

We can define RGB as a set of open-source protocols that allows us to execute complex smart contracts in a scalable and confidential way. It is not a particular network (like Bitcoin or Lightning); each smart contract is just a set of contract participants which can interact using different communication channels (defaulting to the Lightning Network). RGB uses the Bitcoin blockchain as a layer of state commitment and maintains the code of the smart contract and the data off-chain, which makes it scalable. By leveraging Bitcoin transactions (and Script) as an ownership control system for smart contracts, the evolution of the smart contract is defined by an off-chain scheme. It is important to note that everything is validated on the client side.

In simple terms, RGB is a system that allows the user to audit a smart contract, execute it and verify it individually at any time without an additional cost since it does not use a blockchain as “traditional” systems do. While complex smart contract systems were pioneered by Ethereum, it requires the user to spend significant amounts of gas for each operation and it never achieved the scalability it promised. By consequence, Ethereum never was an option to bank the users excluded from the current financial system.

Praegu propageerib plokiahela tööstus, et nii nutikate lepingute kood kui ka andmed peavad olema plokiahelas salvestatud ja võrgu iga sõlmpunkti poolt läbi viidud, olenemata liigsest suuruse kasvust või arvutusressursside väärkasutamisest. RGB pakutud skeem on palju intelligentsem ja tõhusam, kuna see lõikab seda plokiahela paradigmat, eraldades nutikad lepingud ja andmed plokiahelast ning väldib seega võrgu üleküllastumist teistel platvormidel. RGB omakorda ei sunni iga sõlme iga lepingut täitma, vaid pigem asjaosalisi, mis lisab konfidentsiaalsust seninägematule tasemele.


Nutikad lepingud RGB-vormingus

RGB-s määratleb nutika lepingu arendaja skeemi, mis määrab reeglid selle kohta, kuidas leping aja jooksul areneb. Skeem on RGB nutikate lepingute koostamise standard: nii väljastaja lepingu määratlemisel kui ka rahakott või börs peavad järgima konkreetset skeemi, mille alusel nad peavad lepingu kinnitama. Ainult siis, kui valideerimine on õige, saavad kumbki osapool taotlusi vastu võtta ja varaga töötada.

Nutikas leping RGB-s on olekumuutuste suunatud atsükliline graafik (DAG), kus alati on teada ainult osa graafikust ja ülejäänule puudub juurdepääs. RGB-skeem on selle graafiku arendamise põhireeglite kogum, millest nutikas leping algab. Iga lepinguosaline võib neid reegleid lisada (kui see on skeemiga lubatud) ja saadud graafik koostatakse nende reeglite iteratiivse rakendamise põhjal.

Vahetatavad varad

Vahetatavad varad RGB-s järgivad LNP/BP RGB-20 spetsifikatsioon. So, when an RGB-20 is defined, the asset data known as “genesis data” is distributed through the Lightning Network, which contains what is required to use the asset. The most basic form of assets do not allow secondary issuance, token burning, renomination or replacement.

Mõnikord peab emitent tulevikus välja andma rohkem žetoone, näiteks stabiilseid münte (nt USDT), mis hoiab iga žetooni väärtuse seotud inflatsioonivaluuta (nt USD) väärtusega. Selle saavutamiseks on olemas keerulisemad RGB-20 skeemid, mis lisaks tekkeandmetele nõuavad väljaandjalt saadetiste koostamist, mis hakkavad samuti välkvõrgus ringlema. Selle teabe põhjal saame teada vara kogu ringluses oleva varu. Sama kehtib varade põletamise või nime muutmise kohta.

Varaga seotud teave võib olla avalik või privaatne: kui emitent nõuab konfidentsiaalsust, võib ta otsustada, et ta ei jaga tokeni kohta teavet ja teostab toiminguid täielikus privaatsuses, kuid meil on ka vastupidine juhtum, kus emitent ja omanikud vajavad et kogu protsess oleks läbipaistev. See saavutatakse märgiandmete jagamisega.

RGB-20 protseduurid

The burning procedure disables tokens and burned tokens can’t be used anymore. The replacement procedure occurs when tokens are burned and a new amount of the same token is created. This helps reduce the size of the asset’s historical data, which is important to maintain asset speed. To support the use case where it is possible to burn assets without having to replace them, a subschema of RGB-20 is used that only allows burning assets.

Mitteloetavad märgid

RGB-s olevad mitteasendatavad märgid (NFT-d) järgivad LNP/BP RGB-21 spetsifikatsioon, kui töötame NFT-dega, on meil ka põhiskeem ja alamskeem. Nendel skeemidel on graveerimisprotseduur, mis võimaldab meil lisada loa omaniku kohandatud andmeid. Kõige tavalisem näide, mida tänapäeval NFT-des näeme, on märgiga seotud digitaalkunst. Tokeni väljaandja saab selle andmete graveerimise keelata, kasutades RGB-21 alamskeemi. Erinevalt teistest NFT plokiahela süsteemidest võimaldab RGB levitada suuremõõtmelisi meediumilubade andmeid täielikult detsentraliseeritud ja tsensuurikindlal viisil, kasutades Lightning P2P võrgu laiendust nimega Bifrost, mida kasutatakse ka paljude muude RGB-vormingute loomiseks. konkreetsed nutika lepingu funktsioonid.

Lisaks asendatavatele varadele ja NFT-dele saab RGB-d ja Bifrosti kasutada ka muude nutikate lepingute, sealhulgas detsentraliseeritud börside (DEXE-de), likviidsusfondide, algoritmiliste stabiilsete müntide ja muu loomiseks, mida käsitleme tulevastes artiklites.

NFT RGB-lt versus NFT muudelt platvormidelt

  • No need for expensive blockchain storage.
  • No need for the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a Lightning Network extension (called Bifrost) is used instead (and it’s fully end-to-end encrypted).
  • No need for a special data management solution (again, Bifrost takes that role).
  • No need to trust websites to maintain data for NFT tokens or about issuer’s assets or contract ABIs.
  • RGB has built-in DRM encryption and ownership management.
  • RGB has infrastructure for backups using the Lightning Network (Bifrost).
  • RGB has ways to monetize content (not only selling the NFT itself, but access to the content, several times).


Since the launch of Bitcoin, almost 13 years ago, there has been a lot of research and experimentation in the area. Both the successes and the mistakes have allowed us to understand a little more how decentralized systems behave in practice, what makes them really decentralized and what actions tend to lead them to centralization. All this has led us to conclude that real decentralization is a rare and difficult phenomenon to achieve; real decentralization has only been achieved by Bitcoin and it is for this reason that we focus our efforts to build on top of it.

RGB has its own rabbit hole within the Bitcoin rabbit hole. While I am falling down through them both, I will post what I have learned. In the next article, we will have an introduction to the LNP and RGB nodes and how to use them.

See on Francisco Calderóni külalispostitus. Avaldatud arvamused on täielikult nende omad ja ei pruugi kajastada BTC, Inc. või Bitcoin ajakiri.

Source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/guides/a-brief-introduction-to-rgb-protocols


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