Fedimint – Bitcoini hoidmise PlatoBlockchaini andmete luure areng. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Fedimint – Bitcoini hooldusõiguse areng

Uut tüüpi hooldusõigus võib aidata leevendada probleeme, mis tekivad kolmanda osapoole eestkoste (nt vahetus) ja esimese osapoole eestkoste (nt riistvararahakottide) puhul.

What does the infamous Mt. Gox exchange, the latest cryptocurrency restrictions agreed upon by the world’s regulators, and my departure from the bitcoin exchange space after eight years have in common?

The answer is bitcoin custody (how and where you secure your bitcoin) – how it was, how it will be if nothing changes, and how it can evolve for the better if we take appropriate action. To understand why, we need to go back to the beginning, or at least the beginning of my bitcoin exchange journey.

Back in 2013, when Coinfloor was about to become a reality, the bitcoin exchange space was dominated by Mt. Gox, Tokyost pärit vahetuskoloss.

Many people held their bitcoin on Mt. Gox until one day, it all vanished. Users could no longer gain access to their hard-earned or purchased bitcoin. Due to reasons that are still not fully clear, much of the capital custodied with the platform disappeared, and to this day the subset that has been recovered has yet to be returned to its rightful owners.

This Mt. Gox drama was a major reason why our exchange, Coinfloor, was set up. We wanted to bring back trust to the exchange space and make holding bitcoin on an exchange safe. At the time, many thought having users safely hold their bitcoin on exchanges was a noble goal. But I now realize that this goal has simply created a different risk for the exchange customers’ coins.

You see eight years ago, after Mt. Gox, no one trusted exchanges to hold their money but wanted better ways to buy bitcoin. They would buy their bitcoin and promptly withdraw it from exchanges as quickly as they could. Now, eight years on, there are dozens of decent exchanges and brokers who make it easy to buy bitcoin and trust in exchanges is strong. Ironically, as a result, the percentage of bitcoin holders custodying their bitcoin on exchanges is at all-time highs.

You might think that this is not an issue but this is where the world’s regulators, through an organization called the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), come in. FATF , on valimata rahvusvaheline nõuandev organ, mis annab välja juhiseid, mille eesmärk on ennetada kõike, mida enamik riike peab finantskuritegudeks. Kuigi ükski riik ei ole sunnitud ühtki nende soovitustest jõustama, tähendab nende ignoreerimise võimalik laastav mõju rahvusvahelisele kaubandusele seda, et peaaegu kõik maailma riigid rakendavad nende avaldusi järjekindlalt. Nii et kui FATF "soovitab" riigil regulatiivset seisukohta võtta, võite eeldada, et seda rakendatakse. 2019. aasta juunis andsid nad välja krüptovaluutade jaoks juhised, mis sisaldasid vastuolulist sätet nimega "Reisireegel”. This rule advocates that all cryptocurrency exchanges and bitcoin brokers should only allow transfers of cryptocurrency to parties that they can properly identify. The challenge is that the identity-less nature of cryptocurrencies makes complying with this guidance, while still allowing customers to withdraw to their own wallets, difficult at best and impossible at worst.

Nii et taaskord liigume tulevikku, kus tohutud krüptovaluutavahetused takistavad klientidel oma münte omandamast. Kuid seekord on selle põhjuseks reguleerimise üleküllus, mitte selle puudumine, nagu juhtus Mt. Goxi ajal.

Over the years, I observed the direction of regulatory travel and the growing disinterest of many investors towards taking control of their coins. It seemed obvious that this was heading the wrong way and needed to be resolved if we weren’t to risk escaping the fiat frying pan into the fire of bitcoin held hostage on exchanges.

“But why is holding most of my bitcoin on an exchange a problem?” you ask. Simply put, if a regulated third party has control of your bitcoin, no matter how trustworthy they might seem, they can be compelled to prevent you from taking custody of your bitcoin. With the latest FATF rule, we already see countries such as India, Lõuna-Koreaja Eesti look to fast-track regulation to this effect and we can expect more to follow. If left unchecked, the end result could be a majority of bitcoin being stored on a handful of centralized exchanges – barring Bitcoiners from self-sovereignty.

This is a concern because Bitcoin only succeeds if all of its major constituents – mining, payments, software development, and custody – stay strong and decentralized. For someone dedicated to seeing Bitcoin achieve its potential for separating money from state and thereby creating a fairer world through a more efficient economy, nothing can be more important than reinforcing Bitcoin’s foundations. Helping to protect these core areas of Bitcoin was a big reason why I decided to sell my company and leave the bitcoin exchange space, why I have sought to become a board member for the Bitcoin developer incubator ₿Usalda, ja miks ma olen oma toetusega seotud ka hooldusõiguse probleemi lahendamisega FediMint.

FediMint is a new way of custodying that enables users to form groups where members look out for each other’s bitcoin. It is still in the early stages of development but holds much promise. It takes advantage of clever technology and the very human circles of trust that we all possess, to provide a solution to custody that is more convenient than holding bitcoin on a third-party exchange and less expensive and complex than most self-custody solutions. FediMint has the added bonuses of improving user privacy, scaling Bitcoin, lowering on-chain usage fees, and can provide a non-exchange bitcoin custody solution that is equally viable for people in the Western world as well as the rest of the world.

FediMintil on kolm lihtsat, kuid võimsat elementi:

Esimene on see, et FediMint on mõeldud kasutamiseks juba olemasolevates rühmades, kus liikmed juba usaldavad üksteist. Pered, lähedased sõbrad, väikesed külad, kogukonnarühmad jne on kõik näited tugevatest rühmadest teine ​​osapool suhted. See on vastupidine kaugetele kolmanda osapoole suhetele, mida pakub vahetus või esimese osapoole suhe, mida pakub enesehooldus. Sellel seadistusel on ka lisaeelis, kuna see on sageli vabastatud enamikust regulatiivsetest kaalutlustest, kuna teise osapoole suhted ja kasumi puudumine tähendavad, et seda peetakse mitteäriliseks tegevuseks.

The second part is to break the custody challenge into two. It does this by recognising within any given group, there will be some more capable of guarding the group’s bitcoin than others. The more capable “group guardians” do the heavy lifting – hosting the group’s wallets and processing transactions – while the other members of the group have an ultra-simple app that off-loads all the complex stuff to the group guardians. Side note: This may sound unusual but it is already a common occurrence today. Anyone who has been in the Bitcoin space for awhile, has probably experienced a time-poor or less tech-savvy relative or friend asking them to buy, sell, custody, or transfer bitcoin on their behalf, thereby acting as their Bitcoin guardian. As a long-time bitcoin exchange operator, I have heard so many anecdotal examples of this happening that I would not be surprised if the majority of bitcoin “owners” are actually acquiring their bitcoin through guardians already – but there is no way to know for sure.

FediMinti viimane osa on kahe võimsa tehnoloogia kasutamine, föderatsioonid ja chaumian e-sularaha rahapajad, to remove any single weak point and to maintain complete privacy for all users, and is the reason behind FediMint’s unusual name. A federation is a mechanism that shares custody of the group’s bitcoin amongst all guardians. This ensures that a majority of guardians need to act to perform a transaction and that a failure of a minority of guardians can be tolerated by the system without affecting its operation. Chaumian e-cash mints are a cryptographic tool to allow the federation guardians to process transactions on behalf of any member of the group without knowing who it is or how much they have. This ensures financial privacy even though group members have delegated the complicated task of managing their bitcoin holdings to the guardians.

Tervikuna võetuna pakub FediMint süsteem hoolduslahendust, mis on kõigist teistest parem:

Fedimint – Bitcoini hoidmise PlatoBlockchaini andmete luure areng. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

* Protokollid on olemas paljude naiivse enesehoolduse puuduste lahendamiseks, kuid need lisavad rohkem kulutusi ja veelgi keerukamaks.

† FediMinti seadistamise ja kasutamise kulud on sarnased nendega, mis on vajalikud multisig-riistvarakoti õigeks seadistamiseks ja kasutamiseks, kuid kulusid saab jagada kõigi föderatsioonirühma liikmete vahel.

†† Federation guardians could potentially recover a user’s bitcoin in the event of loss, forgetting, or death using their existing trusted second party (i.e., friends or family) relationships to verify the user’s identity.

††† Suveräänsus on delegeeritud usaldusväärsetele teistele osapooltele, mistõttu ei ole see nii täiuslik kui tõeline enesehooldus. Siiski on tõenäoline, et riistvaralise rahakoti privaatvõtme varundamine hõlmab teiste osapoolte (nt sõprade ja pereliikmete) või isegi kolmandate isikute (nt pankade või tagatisrahahoidlate) usaldamist, mis muudab tegeliku erinevuse teise ja esimese osapoole hooldusõiguse vahel väiksemaks. märkimisväärne.

When I was first introduced to FediMint by its inventor (who goes by the alias “elsirion“) in mid-2021, I instantly saw that this was a practical solution to Bitcoin’s custody challenge. I now support the FediMint project and I encourage every Bitcoiner to do the same. In time and with effort, we can help FediMint become an essential part of the infrastructure that makes Bitcoin scale to worldwide adoption while remaining decentralized and strong. Helping make this happen, and preventing Bitcoiners from losing access to their own coins, is a truly noble goal.

Üksikasjalikuma ja tehnilise teabe saamiseks külastage FediMint.org.

This is a guest post by Obi Nwoso. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin ajakiri.


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