Greenpeace intensiivistab Bitcoini-vastast kampaaniat pärast Ethereumi PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence'i ühendamist. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Greenpeace intensiivistab pärast Ethereumi ühinemist Bitcoini-vastast kampaaniat

  • Greenpeace and the Environmental Working Group have launched a $1 million smear campaign against Bitcoin following Ethereum’s Merge to PoS.
  • The campaign has a petition urging Fidelity, BlackRock and others to move Bitcoin away from PoW.
  • Opponents of Bitcoin need to understand how it actually works.

Greenpeace and the Environmental Working Group have intensified their attack against Bitcoin’s proof-of-work (PoW) with a $1 million ad campaign, per a Pressiteade.

The climate groups are pushing for institutions such as Fidelity, BlackRock, Block and PayPal to influence the Bitcoin protocol. The group’s intentions are to have these institutions somehow help change the consensus mechanism from PoW to proof-of-stake (PoS).

Märtsis alanud rünnaku intensiivistumine "Muuda koodi, mitte kliimat" kampaania järgneb ühendamise tänasele lõpuleviimisele – sündmusele, mis muutis Ethereumi konsensusmehhanismi PoW-lt PoS-ile.

“Ethereum has shown it’s possible to switch to an energy-efficient protocol with far less climate, air and water pollution,” said Michael Brune, director of the Change the Code, Not the Climate campaign.

However, one could argue that these climate groups are missing something very important about Bitcoin. Not only is PoW the true innovation and core to the successful functioning of Bitcoin, this would not be the first occurrence of institutional and corporate pressure to change the Bitcoin protocol.

Vastavalt sellele Plokkide suuruse sõjad nägin, et paljud institutsioonid vaidlesid plokiahela suuremate plokkide suuruse poolt, mis oleks viinud sõlmede tsentraliseerimiseni võrku, vähendades sellega hajutatud võrku, mida me praegu näeme. Katsed võrku tsentraliseerida ebaõnnestusid lõpuks, kuna detsentraliseeritud võrk oli tugev ja uuendus on tuntud kui SegWit allowed for necessary upgrades to block sizes without centralizing the infrastructure of Bitcoin.

Furthermore, climate-based criticism of Bitcoin is becoming more debunked by the day. In fact, yesterday the executive chairman for pro-Bitcoin software analytics firm MicroStrategy published a paber lükates ümber paljud levinud süüdistused.


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