Fintechi parimad sündmused Euroopas PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Fintechi parimad sündmused Euroopas

Fintech or financial technology has quickly disrupted and shaped virtually every corner of the financial services industry. The rise of advanced software, artificial intelligence (AI), ubiquitous mobile applications, and automation of technologies has made this industry useful for consumers and businesses alike. The celebration of these technologies is on full display so far in 2022, with several industry leading events forthcoming in Europe.

Europe has become home to multiple fintech hubs, with London ranking as the most important. This in turn has given rise the hosting of marquee events over the past few years, showcasing all that the fintech world has to offer.

With no shortage of world-class fintech events, summits, and conferences in 2022, there’s never been a better time to attend these events, especially in Europe. Whether you are an established business or venue, aspiring startup, fintech advocate, or simply an enthusiast, fintech events in Europe has something for everyone.

Leading payments events in Europe have historically served as hubs for innovation and learning, bringing together the most important decision makers, financial institutions, executives, and industry leaders from every segment of the fintech space.

Fintech-ruum jätkab kiirenemist, muutes need sündmused veelgi olulisemaks ja edu saavutamiseks üliolulisemaks. Peamistel fintech-üritustel osalemisest on saanud lugematu arv selles valdkonnas tegutsejaid, kusjuures 2022. aasta pole erand.

Parimad Fintechi üritused Euroopas

2022. aastal on juba toimunud mitmeid märkimisväärseid konverentse ja üritusi, sealhulgas järgmised Euroopa fintech üritused:

Fintech World Forum – London, 22.–23. mai

Fintech World Forum is one of the notable events in the world of fintech, bringing together innovators and experts from across Europe and beyond. The two-day fintech event provides ample opportunities for networking in the global financial services, finance, and banking technology industry.

MoneyLive Summit – London, 28.-29. märts

MoneyLIVE tippkohtumine is one of the best fintech events in Europe that money can buy. The three-day event is packed with inspiring talks, interactive sessions, and countless networking opportunities.

Raha 20/20 Euroopa – Amsterdam, 7.-9.juuni

Money20 / 20 Euroopas on üks kontinendi suurimaid fintech-üritusi, mis aitab luua uusi strateegiaid ja partnerlussuhteid, mis muudavad mõtteviisi. 3 päeva jooksul tuli fintech-kogukond kokku, et saada juurde uusi teadmisi ja teadmisi, mis on vajalikud rahataseme tõstmiseks.

Nordic Fintech Week – Kopenhaagen, 27.-28.september

At Põhjamaade Fintech Week, the best minds in fintech will challenge your vision of embedded finance, ethical finance, and decentralized finance. They will explore the obstacles on our way to further democratize finance and think of what the future of finance holds.

Slush – Helsingi, 17.-18

Lobjakas is not your typical fintech event. The founder-focused event gathers founders and investors from across different sectors of the fast-growing tech industry. In recent years, Slush has grown into a whole week of stage talks, mentoring sessions, and networking in Helsinki and around the metropolitan area.

Finance Magnates Londoni tippkohtumine 2022 – London, 21.–23. november

Londoni tippkohtumine on esmaklassiline finantsteenuste, krüpto-, maksete ja fintechi konverents, mis toob kokku 3,500+ osalejat, 130+ esinejat ja 150+ eksponenti.

Fintech Connect – London, 30. november – 1. detsember

FinTech ja PayTech Connect Asia koos asuv on a turul juhtiv iga-aastane kohtumispaik 500+ digitaalse teisendamise ja maksete juhi jaoks.

Each of these events and conferences reflects an exploration of the fintech industry at large, including a deep dive into the latest technologies, companies, and innovations that define the space.

Leading events such as these also historically have covered a wide range of topics from exciting new mobile apps, payments, ecommerce, digital assets, and much more. Given a large concentration of these events taking place in Europe in 2022, it’s clear that the talent & personnel has been growing on the continent for years and will continue to do so in 2023 and beyond.

This unique atmosphere has fostered new opportunities for the fintech industry, as Europe looks to stay at the cutting edge of fintech capabilities and innovation, engineered and led by leading fintech professionals. This includes the biggest names from across the fintech industry, who routinely gather at these events to network, discuss, and inform.

FMLS22 – selle sügise suurim finantstehnoloogia üritus

Kiirelt sellesse sügisesse, suurim neist sündmustest, mis 2022. aastal veel toimunud on, on Finance Magnates Londoni tippkohtumine (FMLS), which will occur on November 21-23 in the heart of London. Already in its tenth year, FMLS will be held in Old Billingsgate, representing its largest installment to date.

The freshly expanded agenda will feature a two-and-a-half-day event, including a dedicated focus to the fintech space, one of four verticals on offer at FMLS22. With the largest array of panel discussions, workshops, and seminars on offer this fall, key players in the fintech space will be gathering in central London for networking opportunities, discussing the latest technologies, and showing off the most exciting startups that will move the industry forward.

Liituge vestlusega juba täna, uurides 2022. aasta Londoni tippkohtumist

Already with over ten years in the books, FMLS22 is looking to build off its impressive resume and experience by hosting its largest summit to date. This includes a dedicated focus on fintech capabilities, innovation, and disruptive technologies.

All of these and more will be unveiled in a soon-to-be-released schedule that will feature a full two days of panels, workshops, and discussions that explore this vertical in unparalleled detail. Each stage and session is tailored to deliver cutting edge and insightful content that will cater to fintech specialists. In this environment, anything can happen so this is one event you do not want to miss!

Looking at the event itself, FMLS 2022 is poised to build on its record attendance, which will be targeting upwards of 3,500+ attendees, 130+ speakers, and 150+ exhibitors globally. What is it like attending an FMLS event?

Attendees should expect to network and learn from leading companies and key decision makers in multiple industry verticals that are integral to the future of the fintech and payments space. Of note, attendees will include financial sector executives, global leaders, innovators, leading fintech companies, and more.

FMLS-i auhinnad – Fintechi suurimate nimede tähistamine

Looking to find the next big name in the fintech space? FMLS22 has got you covered, featuring an in-depth awards show that will be recognizing and honoring the top performing brands, startups, and companies across the fintech industry.

Põhjalik hääletusprotsess on võimaldanud tööstusel endal lõpuks järjestada parimad ja lootustandvamad ettevõtted, ilma et see aasta pole erand. The auhindu tunnustada lai valik erinevaid tegijaid, sealhulgas parimad pakkujad maksete töötlemise, uuendusliku tehnoloogia ja muude maksete ja fintech-ökosüsteemi aspektide alal.

Varsti algab ulatuslik hääletusprotsess, mis tõstab esile kasvavat brändide spektrit fintech-tööstuses. FMLS-i auhinnad on selles valdkonnas tõeliselt ainulaadsed, arvestades, et kõiki tunnustusi jagavad ainult teie valdkonna kolleegid, kes on parimad ja lootustandvamad ettevõtted.

The stakes have never been higher than 2022, given that voting this year will take place in only one round, not two. Don’t forget to register later this month and cast your vote for when the voting formally begins kicks off soon!

Veebihääletusprotsess on loodud selleks, et anda kogu tööstusele sõnaõigus igal aastal võitjate otsustamisel, ilma kohtunike või kolmandate isikute sekkumiseta.

Tutvuge loendiga silmapaistvad võitjad over the past few years, showcasing the leading brands that have earned the kõrgeima järgu autasud varasematel FMLS-i üritustel.

Olge kursis FMLS22 ümbritsevate viimaste värskendustega.

Fintech or financial technology has quickly disrupted and shaped virtually every corner of the financial services industry. The rise of advanced software, artificial intelligence (AI), ubiquitous mobile applications, and automation of technologies has made this industry useful for consumers and businesses alike. The celebration of these technologies is on full display so far in 2022, with several industry leading events forthcoming in Europe.

Europe has become home to multiple fintech hubs, with London ranking as the most important. This in turn has given rise the hosting of marquee events over the past few years, showcasing all that the fintech world has to offer.

With no shortage of world-class fintech events, summits, and conferences in 2022, there’s never been a better time to attend these events, especially in Europe. Whether you are an established business or venue, aspiring startup, fintech advocate, or simply an enthusiast, fintech events in Europe has something for everyone.

Leading payments events in Europe have historically served as hubs for innovation and learning, bringing together the most important decision makers, financial institutions, executives, and industry leaders from every segment of the fintech space.

Fintech-ruum jätkab kiirenemist, muutes need sündmused veelgi olulisemaks ja edu saavutamiseks üliolulisemaks. Peamistel fintech-üritustel osalemisest on saanud lugematu arv selles valdkonnas tegutsejaid, kusjuures 2022. aasta pole erand.

Parimad Fintechi üritused Euroopas

2022. aastal on juba toimunud mitmeid märkimisväärseid konverentse ja üritusi, sealhulgas järgmised Euroopa fintech üritused:

Fintech World Forum – London, 22.–23. mai

Fintech World Forum is one of the notable events in the world of fintech, bringing together innovators and experts from across Europe and beyond. The two-day fintech event provides ample opportunities for networking in the global financial services, finance, and banking technology industry.

MoneyLive Summit – London, 28.-29. märts

MoneyLIVE tippkohtumine is one of the best fintech events in Europe that money can buy. The three-day event is packed with inspiring talks, interactive sessions, and countless networking opportunities.

Raha 20/20 Euroopa – Amsterdam, 7.-9.juuni

Money20 / 20 Euroopas on üks kontinendi suurimaid fintech-üritusi, mis aitab luua uusi strateegiaid ja partnerlussuhteid, mis muudavad mõtteviisi. 3 päeva jooksul tuli fintech-kogukond kokku, et saada juurde uusi teadmisi ja teadmisi, mis on vajalikud rahataseme tõstmiseks.

Nordic Fintech Week – Kopenhaagen, 27.-28.september

At Põhjamaade Fintech Week, the best minds in fintech will challenge your vision of embedded finance, ethical finance, and decentralized finance. They will explore the obstacles on our way to further democratize finance and think of what the future of finance holds.

Slush – Helsingi, 17.-18

Lobjakas is not your typical fintech event. The founder-focused event gathers founders and investors from across different sectors of the fast-growing tech industry. In recent years, Slush has grown into a whole week of stage talks, mentoring sessions, and networking in Helsinki and around the metropolitan area.

Finance Magnates Londoni tippkohtumine 2022 – London, 21.–23. november

Londoni tippkohtumine on esmaklassiline finantsteenuste, krüpto-, maksete ja fintechi konverents, mis toob kokku 3,500+ osalejat, 130+ esinejat ja 150+ eksponenti.

Fintech Connect – London, 30. november – 1. detsember

FinTech ja PayTech Connect Asia koos asuv on a turul juhtiv iga-aastane kohtumispaik 500+ digitaalse teisendamise ja maksete juhi jaoks.

Each of these events and conferences reflects an exploration of the fintech industry at large, including a deep dive into the latest technologies, companies, and innovations that define the space.

Leading events such as these also historically have covered a wide range of topics from exciting new mobile apps, payments, ecommerce, digital assets, and much more. Given a large concentration of these events taking place in Europe in 2022, it’s clear that the talent & personnel has been growing on the continent for years and will continue to do so in 2023 and beyond.

This unique atmosphere has fostered new opportunities for the fintech industry, as Europe looks to stay at the cutting edge of fintech capabilities and innovation, engineered and led by leading fintech professionals. This includes the biggest names from across the fintech industry, who routinely gather at these events to network, discuss, and inform.

FMLS22 – selle sügise suurim finantstehnoloogia üritus

Kiirelt sellesse sügisesse, suurim neist sündmustest, mis 2022. aastal veel toimunud on, on Finance Magnates Londoni tippkohtumine (FMLS), which will occur on November 21-23 in the heart of London. Already in its tenth year, FMLS will be held in Old Billingsgate, representing its largest installment to date.

The freshly expanded agenda will feature a two-and-a-half-day event, including a dedicated focus to the fintech space, one of four verticals on offer at FMLS22. With the largest array of panel discussions, workshops, and seminars on offer this fall, key players in the fintech space will be gathering in central London for networking opportunities, discussing the latest technologies, and showing off the most exciting startups that will move the industry forward.

Liituge vestlusega juba täna, uurides 2022. aasta Londoni tippkohtumist

Already with over ten years in the books, FMLS22 is looking to build off its impressive resume and experience by hosting its largest summit to date. This includes a dedicated focus on fintech capabilities, innovation, and disruptive technologies.

All of these and more will be unveiled in a soon-to-be-released schedule that will feature a full two days of panels, workshops, and discussions that explore this vertical in unparalleled detail. Each stage and session is tailored to deliver cutting edge and insightful content that will cater to fintech specialists. In this environment, anything can happen so this is one event you do not want to miss!

Looking at the event itself, FMLS 2022 is poised to build on its record attendance, which will be targeting upwards of 3,500+ attendees, 130+ speakers, and 150+ exhibitors globally. What is it like attending an FMLS event?

Attendees should expect to network and learn from leading companies and key decision makers in multiple industry verticals that are integral to the future of the fintech and payments space. Of note, attendees will include financial sector executives, global leaders, innovators, leading fintech companies, and more.

FMLS-i auhinnad – Fintechi suurimate nimede tähistamine

Looking to find the next big name in the fintech space? FMLS22 has got you covered, featuring an in-depth awards show that will be recognizing and honoring the top performing brands, startups, and companies across the fintech industry.

Põhjalik hääletusprotsess on võimaldanud tööstusel endal lõpuks järjestada parimad ja lootustandvamad ettevõtted, ilma et see aasta pole erand. The auhindu tunnustada lai valik erinevaid tegijaid, sealhulgas parimad pakkujad maksete töötlemise, uuendusliku tehnoloogia ja muude maksete ja fintech-ökosüsteemi aspektide alal.

Varsti algab ulatuslik hääletusprotsess, mis tõstab esile kasvavat brändide spektrit fintech-tööstuses. FMLS-i auhinnad on selles valdkonnas tõeliselt ainulaadsed, arvestades, et kõiki tunnustusi jagavad ainult teie valdkonna kolleegid, kes on parimad ja lootustandvamad ettevõtted.

The stakes have never been higher than 2022, given that voting this year will take place in only one round, not two. Don’t forget to register later this month and cast your vote for when the voting formally begins kicks off soon!

Veebihääletusprotsess on loodud selleks, et anda kogu tööstusele sõnaõigus igal aastal võitjate otsustamisel, ilma kohtunike või kolmandate isikute sekkumiseta.

Tutvuge loendiga silmapaistvad võitjad over the past few years, showcasing the leading brands that have earned the kõrgeima järgu autasud varasematel FMLS-i üritustel.

Olge kursis FMLS22 ümbritsevate viimaste värskendustega.


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