Sovittelukeskustelu Surface, XRP ei ole vielä selvinnyt metsästä?

Sovittelukeskustelu Surface, XRP ei ole vielä selvinnyt metsästä?

  • XRP holders scramble to find meaning behind the opening of the settlement option.
  • The court is allowing the SEC and Ripple to settle if they wish to present a settlement.
  • The verdict will remain unchanged, XRP is not a security.

The Twitter crypto community seems to be tripping on the edge of some concerning new announcements. It seems in the case of XRP vs the SEK, the court has opened a window for either parties to come to a settlement. 

Noted XRP spokespersons on Twitter alert the Ripple and crypto community about this latest development. As we can see from the tweet above it seems the judge has opened the chance of a possible settlement between the SEC and Ripple.

Above all, the XRP and Ripple community must understand that XRP was certainly recognized as not a security. While this was a gigantic win for Ripple, XRP, and the larger crypto community, this was still not the end of the XRP lawsuit. 

If you recall, Garlinghouse and Larsen still have some pending case with the SEC. However, this is not a huge concern as the XRP win of not being a security will make it easier for Garlinghouse and Larsen to walk away free as well.

Thus, the court is giving both parties the chance to settle and close the case here instead of further dragging the charade along. The opening of this option suggests Ripple and the SEC to come to what both parties feel is a fair settlement. 

As we can see from similar crypto community tweets, many are expecting this settlement to take its time. The settlement can only take place if it alerts the court weeks in advance. This will leave time for the court to make preparations. If both parties refuse to settle the courts will hear them by adjourning once again.

We will soon see if the Ripple lawsuit will carry on in court or if the parties will settle and bring the whole thing to a complete and total close in the following weeks. Until then Ripple fans and XRP holders can rest easy because XRP will never again be mistaken for a security. There is certainly much to look forward to for XRP and Ripple’s journey.

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