Anatha bejelentette, hogy Globális Marketing Kampány Beyond Crypto kezdeményezi a PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-t. Függőleges keresés. Ai.

Anatha globális marketingkampányt jelent be a kriptográfiai kezdeményezéseken túl

At Anatha, we are excited to announce that we are launching a large scale, global marketing campaign starting June 15. Look for us in A New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Bloomberg, És így tovább.

We’ve partnered with two premier San Francisco agencies — Essential Good és a Ben-Her Marketing—that includes the team who, among many other brands, brought PlayStation and Xbox to market. We do not hesitate to say that the work is outstanding by any standards—beautiful, profound, resonant.

This campaign is trying to reach people who may never have held any cryptocurrencies as we believe the time has come. Crypto is not a niche or fringe asset. It is a transformative technology that has the ability to rewrite the protocols of civilization. But, for that to happen, there needs to be mass adoption.

Cryptocurrency has been mired for too long in jargon and insider-speak that has had the effect of excluding most people. This runs against crypto’s beautiful promise of radical inclusion. At Anatha, this inclusivity is a core principle of everything we do.

  • It runs through the design of our application (töltse le innen).
  • It runs through our human readable address system (HRA) that lets people send and receive tokens with a simple @name.
  • Most importantly, inclusion defines our economic model that returns value created on the network, including 50% of newly minted tokens, to network participants daily. We don’t just include people in global finance; we include people in the flow of value itself —or what we call “meaningful inclusion.” The goal of Anatha is to elevate all participants in our network above the global poverty line.
Anatha bejelentette, hogy Globális Marketing Kampány Beyond Crypto kezdeményezi a PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-t. Függőleges keresés. Ai.

We are excited and inspired by how crypto can foment radical change in the world—change that is desperately needed. We invite you to join us.

Human Needs First



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