Az USA NEM evakuálta az iraki nagykövetséget


Az Egyesült Államok használ had a helicopters on the Iraq embassy but did not evactuate. Hundreds of Al-Sadr protestors did storme the presidential palace in Baghdad. Reports indicate twelve people were killed in Iraq Green zone violence and protests.

The US still has about 12 military bases in Iraq.

War is Boring reports – Violence broke out in Baghdad’s Green Zone when followers of Iraq’s influential cleric Moqtada al-Sadr stormed the government palace, which houses the office of the prime minister.

As political forces have failed to form a new government or choose a president in more than 10 months since the parliamentary elections, al-Sadr told his lawmakers to quit parliament and demanded early elections.

He has many followers and his ability to mobilize hundreds of thousands nationwide could lead to deadly violence if rival groups also encourage their supporters to protest.

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