
Trident University International Absolwent DBA przedstawia badania dotyczące utrzymania miejsca pracy w wojsku

Trident University International DBA Absolwent przedstawia badania dotyczące retencji w miejscu pracy w wojskowym Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Wyszukiwanie pionowe. AI.
Trident University International DBA Absolwent przedstawia badania dotyczące retencji w miejscu pracy w wojskowym Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Wyszukiwanie pionowe. AI.

Dr. Chadwick Guire, DBA alumnus, Trident University International

Dr. Chadwick McGuire, a 2021 graduate of Trident University International’s (Trident) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program, presented research from his Doctoral Study Project (DSP), “The Impact of the Air Force’s Organizational Structure on the Retention Rate of Air Force Officers.”

Ta prezentacja była częścią serii seminariów internetowych CORE firmy Trident i była prowadzona przez dr Indirę Guzman, dyrektor ds. studiów doktoranckich w Trident's College of Business.

Dr. McGuire is a 2021 graduate of Trident’s DBA program and currently serves as Senior Manager, Special Operations for HelloFresh where he is responsible for implementing data-driven solutions across operations and distributions in the U.S. He is a 12-year veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.

His DSP committee was chaired by Dr. John Magrane and included valuable guidance from committee members Dr. Joseph Chan and Dr. Christopher Linski.

Dr. McGuire’s DSP was underpinned by a desire to understand the factors influencing the retention rate of Air Force officers, and how these factors can be improved upon to increase the retention rate. His sample population included both current officers and ones who had retired or separated in the past five years. There was full participant confidentiality, as no names were used, and all personal data was redacted.

“The results of my research suggest that there are multiple variables that had a direct or inverse relationship with retention,” explains Dr. McGuire. “If more officers achieved a desired level of job satisfaction, this could likely result in an increased retention rate.”

Variables with a direct relationship with retention include career field cultures, working conditions, fair treatment, respect, appreciation, and accomplishments. The research suggests that a decrease in work-life balance and motivation lead to higher separation rates.

With his DBA now completed, Dr. McGuire is already considering the next steps for his research. Potential future studies include exploring the same scenario within other military branches, organizing participants by generations, or studying members who are currently serving to investigate their intent to be retained at yearly intervals.

Launched in May 2015, the CORE webinar series is designed to provide faculty, students, and alumni an opportunity to share their research and skills with the Trident community.

Coordinating this effort are Trident’s Doctoral Studies Directors, Dr. Heidi Smith, Dean, College of Education , Dr. Indira Guzman, Glenn R. Jones College of Business, Dr. Ryan Dwight, College of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Wenling Li, College of Education. Each college takes turns hosting webinars throughout the year, covering subject matter relevant to Trident’s six doctoral programs.

Over the course of more than 50 webinars the CORE series has served as a forum for development for doctoral students and alumni, covering the Ph.D. dissertation process, writing for doctoral research, publishing in academic journals, and more. Past presenters include Trident faculty members and doctoral alumni.

An archived version of the webinar can be accessed tutaj.

O Trident University International
Założony w 1998 roku, Trident University International jest członkiem American InterContinental University System, który jest akredytowany przez Higher Learning Commission ( Trident wykorzystuje metodę uczenia się EdActive™, która wykorzystuje uczenie się oparte na przypadkach w środowisku online, aby uczyć praktycznych umiejętności krytycznego myślenia, mających na celu poprawę jakości życia i edukacji uczniów. Trident oferuje wysokiej jakości programy i certyfikaty dla pracowników stowarzyszonych, licencjackich, magisterskich i doktoranckich, prowadzone przez wykwalifikowany zespół wykładowców, z których ponad 80% ma stopień doktora. Trident ma ponad 32,000 27,000 absolwentów, z których ponad XNUMX XNUMX ma powiązania wojskowe, i otrzymał podziękowania od Washington Monthly, Military Times i Military Advanced Education & Transition za ich zaangażowanie w sukces uczniów. Odwiedzać lub zadzwoń pod numer (855) 290-0290, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o szerokiej gamie opcji edukacyjnych Trident.

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