Cooperative quantum information erasure

Cooperative quantum information erasure

Lorenzo Buffoni1,2 and Michele Campisi3

1Portuguese Quantum Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
3NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, I-56127 Pisa, Italy

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We demonstrate an information erasure protocol that resets $N$ qubits at once. The method displays exceptional performances in terms of energy cost (it operates nearly at Landauer energy cost $kT ln 2$), time duration ($sim mu s$) and erasure success rate ($sim 99,9%$). The method departs from the standard algorithmic cooling paradigm by exploiting cooperative effects associated to the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking which are amplified by quantum tunnelling phenomena. Such cooperative quantum erasure protocol is experimentally demonstrated on a commercial quantum annealer and could be readily applied in next generation hybrid gate-based/quantum-annealing quantum computers, for fast, effective, and energy efficient initialisation of quantum processing units.

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For a quantum computation to be effective one needs to reset the quantum logical units, the so-called qubits, in well defined states. The larger the number of qubits participating in a quantum computation the more precise should be the resetting, for the computation to be reliable.

The reset operation is typically performed on each qubit individually. In our work instead many qubits are collectively reset at once, by means of a mechanism which we dub “cooperative quantum information erasure”. Here the qubits are let interact during the resetting procedure, in such a way that they cooperatively foster each-other’s resetting. Furthermore, our finding suggest that adding a bit of quantumness can greatly enhance the quality of the resetting.

The method was demonstrated on a real quantum computer and was observed to yield exceptional results in terms of precision, execution time and energy consumption.

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