Improving social welfare in non-cooperative games with different types of quantum resources

Improving social welfare in non-cooperative games with different types of quantum resources

Alastair A. Abbott1, Mehdi Mhalla2, and Pierre Pocreau1,2

1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, 38000 Grenoble, France
2Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG, 38000 Grenoble, France

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We investigate what quantum advantages can be obtained in multipartite non-cooperative games by studying how different types of quantum resources can lead to new Nash equilibria and improve social welfare — a measure of the quality of an equilibrium. Two different quantum settings are analysed: a first, in which players are given direct access to an entangled quantum state, and a second, which we introduce here, in which they are only given classical advice obtained from quantum devices. For a given game $G$, these two settings give rise to different equilibria characterised by the sets of equilibrium correlations $Q_textrm{corr}(G)$ and $Q(G)$, respectively. We show that $Q(G)subseteq Q_textrm{corr}(G)$, and by exploiting the self-testing property of some correlations, that the inclusion is strict for some games $G$. We make use of SDP optimisation techniques to study how these quantum resources can improve social welfare, obtaining upper and lower bounds on the social welfare reachable in each setting. We investigate, for several games involving conflicting interests, how the social welfare depends on the bias of the game and improve upon a separation that was previously obtained using pseudo-telepathic solutions.

One of the most striking phenomena in quantum mechanics is the possibility for spatially separated parties to generate, without communicating, correlations that cannot be explained by classical physics. This phenomenon can be captured in games where several spatially separated parties try to coordinate and answer questions asked by a referee, upon which they receive a payout when they answer correctly. When the players are not allowed to communicate, having access to quantum resources can help them to coordinate better than they could with classical resources, leading to a better average payout, a quantity known as their “social welfare”. In this work, we study the case of conflicting interest games, in which players’ interests are not aligned. In such games, one is interested in stable behaviour, in which no player can individually increase their payout by changing their strategy. Such strategies correspond to the famous notion of Nash equilibria.

We study how quantum resources, such as entanglement, can help the players achieve Nash equilibria with better social welfare than using classical resources. We make a novel distinction between two different types of quantum resources: one in which the players have full control of a quantum device to perform measurements, and another in which they only have indirect, classical access to a quantum device they are provided with. Surprisingly, we find that this latter, classical access to quantum devices actually allows the players to reach more Nash equilibria. Numerical simulations indicate that some of these additional equilibria achieve higher social welfare for the players.

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