On efficient quantum block encoding of pseudo-differential operators

On efficient quantum block encoding of pseudo-differential operators

Haoya Li1, Hongkang Ni2, and Lexing Ying1,2

1Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
2Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

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Block encoding lies at the core of many existing quantum algorithms. Meanwhile, efficient and explicit block encodings of dense operators are commonly acknowledged as a challenging problem. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the block encoding of a rich family of dense operators: the pseudo-differential operators (PDOs). First, a block encoding scheme for generic PDOs is developed. Then we propose a more efficient scheme for PDOs with a separable structure. Finally, we demonstrate an explicit and efficient block encoding algorithm for PDOs with a dimension-wise fully separable structure. Complexity analysis is provided for all block encoding algorithms presented. The application of theoretical results is illustrated with worked examples, including the representation of variable coefficient elliptic operators and the computation of the inverse of elliptic operators without invoking quantum linear system algorithms (QLSAs).

Block encoding lies at the core of many existing quantum algorithms. Meanwhile, efficient and explicit block encodings of dense operators are commonly acknowledged as a challenging problem. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the block encoding of a rich family of dense operators: the pseudo-differential operators (PDOs). We develop novel block-encoding schemes for three types of PDOs with different structures. In addition to a thorough complexity analysis, we provide explicit examples where different PDOs are represented with the proposed block-encoding schemes.

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Cited by

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