Time-optimal multi-qubit gates: Complexity, efficient heuristic and gate-time bounds

Time-optimal multi-qubit gates: Complexity, efficient heuristic and gate-time bounds

Time-optimal multi-qubit gates: Complexity, efficient heuristic and gate-time bounds PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Pascal Baßler1, Markus Heinrich1, and Martin Kliesch2

1Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
2Institute for Quantum Inspired and Quantum Optimization, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

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Multi-qubit entangling interactions arise naturally in several quantum computing platforms and promise advantages over traditional two-qubit gates. In particular, a fixed multi-qubit Ising-type interaction together with single-qubit X-gates can be used to synthesize global ZZ-gates (GZZ gates). In this work, we first show that the synthesis of such quantum gates that are time-optimal is NP-hard. Second, we provide explicit constructions of special time-optimal multi-qubit gates. They have constant gate times and can be implemented with linearly many X-gate layers. Third, we develop a heuristic algorithm with polynomial runtime for synthesizing fast multi-qubit gates. Fourth, we derive lower and upper bounds on the optimal GZZ gate-time. Based on explicit constructions of GZZ gates and numerical studies, we conjecture that any GZZ gate can be executed in a time O($n$) for $n$ qubits. Our heuristic synthesis algorithm leads to GZZ gate-times with a similar scaling, which is optimal in this sense. We expect that our efficient synthesis of fast multi-qubit gates allows for faster and, hence, also more error-robust execution of quantum algorithms.

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