Chainalysis explains why recent viral estimates of Hamas’ crypto use are likely inflated.
It looks those estimates assume *all* flows through services providers that process illicit transactions are illicit. That’s probably not the case https://t.co/KtArmrW0Md
— Neeraj K Agrawal (@NeerajKA) October 18, 2023
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- Source: https://decrypt.co/202280/what-role-crypto-actually-playing-israel-palestine-conflict
- :has
- :is
- :not
- :where
- $UP
- 000
- 1
- 150
- 20
- 2019
- 29
- 7
- 9
- a
- Able
- About
- Absolute
- access
- According
- Accounts
- activity
- actually
- advisors
- against
- agencies
- Aid
- All
- allow
- also
- america
- American
- amount
- an
- Analysts
- analyzes
- and
- announced
- answers
- any
- Argues
- Ari Redbord
- around
- AS
- associated
- assume
- At
- attack
- Attacks
- attempted
- Authorities
- back
- Banking
- banking sector
- Banks
- BE
- because
- become
- been
- before
- being
- Better
- biden
- bipartisan
- Bitcoin
- blockchain
- Blockchain networks
- blockchains
- both
- bought
- Broke
- brown
- but
- by
- cannot
- care
- carried
- case
- cases
- Cash
- centralized
- centuries
- ceo
- challenge
- Charities
- cia
- comes
- Companies
- conflict
- Congressmen
- continued
- control
- controls
- could
- Council
- countries
- Criminal
- crisis
- crypto
- Crypto Donations
- Crypto Exchanges
- Crypto Industry
- Crypto News
- crypto transactions
- crypto use
- cryptocurrency
- Currency
- Current
- Currently
- Cut
- daily
- Dark
- data
- Days
- deaths
- debate
- Decrypt
- demanding
- developing
- difference
- digital
- digital wallets
- Director
- discourse
- disposal
- distinction
- do
- donations
- down
- Dropping
- during
- Earlier
- easier
- easily
- East
- Egypt
- electricity
- elizabeth warren
- embraced
- enabling
- enforcement
- Enter
- entering
- equally
- escalation
- essential
- essential services
- estimates
- Even
- Every
- Exchanges
- Explains
- express
- external
- facing
- fact
- factor
- far
- few
- Fiat
- Fiat currency
- finance
- financial
- financial system
- financial technology
- Firm
- Flows
- following
- food
- For
- Former
- forms
- found
- founder
- Free
- Freeze
- from
- funding
- Fundraise
- Fundraising
- funds
- further
- future
- geopolitical
- get
- Global
- globe
- gone
- Government
- Governments
- great
- greater
- grim
- Ground
- Group
- Group’s
- had
- harder
- Have
- he
- head
- Health
- his
- House
- How
- How To
- Humanitarian
- i
- identify
- illicit
- immutable
- Immutable Ledgers
- in
- Including
- industry
- informal
- Innovation
- Intelligence
- internal
- into
- investigate
- Investigators
- irony
- Israel
- IT
- just
- Justice
- Key
- Know
- large
- larger
- latest
- Law
- law enforcement
- lawmakers
- Laws
- leading
- least
- Led
- ledgers
- letter
- Leverage
- leveraging
- like
- likely
- lobbying
- Long
- Lot
- manner
- Matter
- means
- medical
- medical care
- medicine
- method
- methods
- Michael
- Middle
- Middle East
- Military
- missing
- moment
- money
- Monitor
- Month
- more
- moving
- much
- networks
- never
- news
- no
- Nonprofit
- nonprofits
- now
- october
- of
- off
- officials
- often
- on
- only
- open
- opening
- or
- organization
- organizations
- Other
- otherwise
- out
- over
- Palestine
- part
- past
- People
- per
- physical
- picture
- plans
- plato
- Plato Data Intelligence
- PlatoData
- played
- playing
- policy
- political
- populated
- poses
- potentially
- power
- president
- president biden
- prevent
- probably
- problems
- process
- provide
- providers
- provides
- proving
- purchased
- Push
- push back
- pushed
- Pushing
- question
- quickly
- quite
- raised
- RE
- received
- recent
- record
- refers
- Regulate
- relative
- relief
- responsible
- restrictions
- risks
- Role
- s
- Safety
- Said
- same
- scene
- sector
- seeing
- Seek
- Senate
- send
- sense
- sent
- Series
- serve
- Services
- Shell
- Sherrod Brown
- should
- since
- situation
- skeptical
- small
- So
- so Far
- some
- sponsoring
- started
- States
- support
- system
- taking
- Talk
- Technology
- territory
- Terrorism
- terrorist
- than
- that
- The
- The Future
- the world
- their
- Them
- There.
- These
- they
- think
- this
- those
- thousands
- threats
- Through
- Thus
- to
- told
- tool
- tools
- top
- track
- traditional
- traditional banking
- Transactions
- transfer
- Transferring
- Transparency
- triggering
- Trucks
- unable
- under
- unfolding
- United
- United States
- Updates
- use
- used
- Versus
- very
- via
- Violence
- viral
- Visit
- Wallets
- warren
- was
- washington
- Water
- ways
- we
- Wednesday
- What
- when
- which
- white
- White House
- why
- will
- with
- without
- world
- years
- You
- Your
- youth
- zephyrnet