
Tokenele DeFi BAND, LINK, Preț Bitcoin în spațiu, câștigând 100% în 10 zile

Săptămâna aceasta Bitcoin (BTC) price is making waves as the digital asset finally pushed above the $12K mark, but prior to this move, altcoins have been strongly outpeforming BTC for weeks. 

Doi dintre cei mai notabili interpreți sunt Band Protocol (GRUP) și Chainlink (LINK) as both surged by 348% and 88% in the past ten days. Each functions as an oracle blockchain network that supplies data to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications.

Since the start of August, BAND price rose from $3.9 to as high as $17.78 and in the same period, LINK surged from $7.6 to $14.45 at its peak on Aug 10.

Performanțe BAND și LINK cot la cot

Performanțe BAND și LINK cot la cot. Sursă: TradeBlock

Ce se află în spatele pompei token DeFi?

The primary factor behind the strong rally is the explosive growth of the DeFi sector. 

DeFi applications allow users to carry out various financial activities like trading, loans, and also earning interest from crypto lending. 

Pentru ca platformele DeFi să funcționeze perfect, trebuie să aducă datele de pe piață de pe diverse site-uri web și rețele blockchain, iar de aici intră în uz orcacle. Oracles este necesar în cadrul contractelor inteligente pentru a obține datele necesare pentru a rula platforme DeFi. Prin urmare, atunci când sectorul DeFi se extinde, rețelele blockchain care oferă oracole beneficiază de acesta. 

Un TradeBlock lucrarea de cercetare explică:

“Oracles allow for off-chain data to be integrated with the smart contract parameters that exist on public blockchains. In the figure below, we compare price gains between ChainLink (LINK) and Band Protocol (BAND) over the past three months.”

Data from Defi Pulse shows that since June 1, the total value locked in DeFi apps surged from $1.048 billion to $4.76 billion. As more capital has entered the DeFi market, the demand for oracles also increased.

The main difference between Band Protocol and Chainlink is that the former is based on Cosmos, and the latter operates on top of the Ethereum network. Cosmos is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, while Ethereum is in the process of moving over to PoS through ETH 2.0.

BAND has seen substantially larger gains than Chainlink over the past several weeks due to a large gap in valuation. Currently, LINK is valued at over $4 billion, whereas, BAND is valued at $308 million despite its 348% gain.

Cercetători la Messari a explicat that BAND followed a similar path as Chainlink, which spurred its growth. They said:

“BAND has recently taken a page straight out of the LINK handbook with a slew of partnership and integration announcements, including a Coinbase Pro listing. Up over 32x on the year, its relative valuation play and anchor to LINK has worked so far.”

Cronologia mitingului BAND

Cronologia mitingului BAND. Sursă: Messaria

Va crește cererea pentru oracole?

Kelvin Koh, co-founder of Asia-based venture capital firm Spartan Black said he expects BAND to continue its upward momentum. Over the next 12 months, Koh said he anticipates BAND to close the valuation gap. He a spus:

„În ciuda re-ratingului semnificativ al BAND, YTD, este de remarcat faptul că plafonul său de piață în circulație este în continuare doar 5% din valoarea LINK, în timp ce plafonul de piață de investiții străine este de 10%. În prezent, acest lucru este corect, având în vedere că BAND a început etapa, dar mă aștept ca decalajul de evaluare să continue să se închidă în următoarele 12 luni, pe măsură ce BAND scade. "

Since BAND and LINK are based on differing blockchain networks, they will also likely support separate DeFi ecosystems based on Ethereum and Cosmos.
