
Ecosistemul educațional urmează să devină cel mai mare canal criptografic pentru dezvoltatori de pe YouTube

Education Ecosystem Is Set to Become the Biggest Crypto Channel for Developers on YouTube Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

COMUNICAT DE PRESA. Ecosistemul educațional (LEDU), a leader in online project-based learning, is excited to announce that it is presently creating over 1000 video projects for CMC Top 100 blockchains to teach developers how to build new applications related to financial apps, decentralized markets, games, crypto wallets, and more. With more crypto exchanges releasing their APIs and SDKs, Education Ecosystem seeks to plug a gap where crypto developers do not have tutorials and resources to learn how to build crypto products.

Education Ecosystem believes that creating these projects, which entail a tutorial and downloadable resources to help the learners will encourage learning and innovation of crypto products across top exchanges and platforms. According to the CEO, Education Ecosystem is rolling out this development as part of its efforts to be the leading learning platform for intermediate to expert level developers on YouTube.

While announcing this big development, the CEO noted that Education Ecosystem developers have started creating the projects for some of the top blockchains including Binance chain, Polygon, Solana, Cardano, among others.

About Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a project-based learning platform that teaches professional developers and students how to build real products in areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, data science, game development, and programming. Content is organized around projects where learners learn from watching experienced developers build practical products. Education Ecosystem uses the utility token LEDU to power its ecosystem.

Contact media:

Brianna Weth

London, PR Agency


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