Abra Cease-and-Desist dezvăluie legături cu Binance și Prime Trust - Decrypt

Abra Cease-and-Desist dezvăluie legături cu Binance și Prime Trust – Decrypt

Abra Cease-and-Desist Reveals Ties to Binance and Prime Trust - Decrypt PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Abra Kadabra! Și a dispărut.

Cryptocurrency investment company deschis has been issued an emergency cease and desist order by Texas securities regulators.

Authorities claim the cryptocurrency company, also known as Plutus Financial, and Chief Executive Officer Bill Barhydt have engaged in securities fraud. The enforcement order also states it offered investment products to unaccredited investors and that the company has been at least partially insolvent since March 31, 2023.

Potrivit Texas Securities State Board, pe 12 mai 2021, Texas Enforcement Division a emis un avertisment către Barhydt că produsele Plutus Financial păreau să constituie contracte de investiții sau valori mobiliare. Statul a înființat un grup de lucru pentru a investiga în continuare compania de criptomonede.

Abra a încercat să argumenteze împotriva acestei caracterizări în marketingul său.

“Earn users take no investment-like risks when they deposit digital assets into Interest accounts,” the company a spus anul trecut. “Rather, Earn users are simply moving or placing their existing assets into their Interest Accounts with the possibility of receiving interest, but notably, no risk of an investment-type loss.”

Investigations reveal, however, that Plutus Financial has been “touting” their risk management strategy as compared to the now-defunct Călătorie digitală și Rețeaua Celsius.

The order also states that despite a letter from CEO Bill Barhydt, claiming the company had no exposure to the Colapsul FTX, a subsidiary of Plutus Financial did have more than $12 million in assets on the platform run by Sam Bankman Fried.

Abra also allegedly held or currently holds nearly $30 million on Babel Finance, $30 million (or more) on Geneză, and roughly $10 million on Three Arrows Capital (3AC). All three of those companies have been touched by bankruptcy in the past year.

Last, but certainly not least, Texas state authorities claim that Abra has been winding down their Earn product, and transferring assets to Trade accounts. The company has been “secretly transferring” these funds to Binance, according to authorities. As of February this year, balances for Abra on the platform are valued at roughly $118 million.

În ciuda avertismentului, compania a continuat să ofere și să vândă produse de investiții – prin Abra Earn și Abra Boost – până la aproximativ 3 octombrie 2022, au declarat autoritățile de reglementare.

Abra nu a răspuns imediat la o solicitare de comentarii din partea Decodificare. 

Pe lângă oferirea și vânzarea de contracte de investiții care seamănă cu valorile mobiliare, grupul de lucru susține, de asemenea, că Abra „a făcut oferte care conțin declarații care sunt material înșelătoare sau susceptibile de a înșela publicul”.

Abra states Prime Trust as their main custodian, which according to Texas authorities, does not operate with a money transmitter license in the state.

Începând cu 17 mai 2023, Abra revendică 49 de milioane de dolari în active gestionate (AUM) în numele a 229 de investitori Boost, dintre care 23 sunt din Texas. Compania pretinde, de asemenea, că deține 66 de milioane de dolari în numele a 9087 de investitori Earn, dintre care 827 locuiesc în statul lone star.

This is not the first time federal charges have been brought against Abra. In July 2020, the SEC taxat the company with selling security-based swaps without registration. Similarly, the CFTC taxat the company with engaging in illegal off-exchange swaps with overseas customers, namely from the Philippines. The company paid $300,000 for these two penalties.

Autoritățile statului Texas nu au stabilit o dată pentru o audiere oficială, dar au permis clienților să retragă fonduri de pe platformă, deocamdată.

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