ALTEN Calsoft, în parteneriat cu Clinlogix, lansează Blockchain pentru studii clinice PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.

ALTEN Calsoft în parteneriat cu Clinlogix lansează Blockchain pentru studii clinice

SANTA CLARA, CaliforniaIulie 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — ALTEN Calsoft Labs, a leading Enterprise Digital Transformation solutions and Engineering R&D services company, has launched – “BioPharma Ledger”, a Blockchain clinical trial platform.

This reinforces ALTEN Calsoft Labs’ continued commitment to bringing Digital led transformation to industry-specific areas. Blockchain practice provides customers with enterprise Blockchain solutions in innovative business initiatives covering everything from business strategy and ideation to development and full enterprise scale. “The Blockchain for clinical trials is our first initiative in the broader Blockchain practice at ALTEN Calsoft Labs. We will make a significant impact on the clinical trial process with our scalable Blockchain platform that will ultimately address many key core processes in the Life Sciences industry. This will pave the way to fundamental changes in other key verticals that will demonstrate savings in costs, time and efficiency – all with the meaningful added benefits of security and trust,” says Paul Elisii, Vice President of BI and Blockchain, ALTEN Calsoft Labs.

Nou creat Blockchain Platform for clinical trials will leverage the BlockApps STRATO middleware platform. BlockApps is a founding member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), the world’s largest open-source Blockchain initiative, and has the distinction as the first Blockchain platform available on Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud.

Clinlogix, o organizație mondială de cercetare clinică de vârf (CRO), cu sedii în EuropaAsiaAmerica de Sud iar SUA va fi primul practicant care pilotează și implementează platforma în studiile clinice din lumea reală.

Blockchain will introduce us all to a new age of transparency, privacy, and traceability in all aspects of the Life Sciences as we know them. It is as transformational to pharma, biotech, and medical devices today, as the Internet was to communications 20 years ago. Blockchain has the power to fundamentally shift many core processes for drug research and development by increasing patient safety and privacy, improving quality of data, and significantly shortening the length of clinical trials,” says Nick Spring, Partener de științe ale vieții, ALTEN Calsoft Labs. „Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să colaborăm cu echipa de la Clinlogix la această abordare inovatoare.”

JeanMarie Markham, the Founder, and CEO of Clinlogix said, “I’m very excited to be one of the first, if not the first, CRO who is moving ahead with the rapid development and deployment of a blockchain-based platform which will become an industry standard. Clinlogix has always embraced new technologies that improve patient outcomes, safety, and health along with helping our sponsors to get new treatments to market rapidly, efficiently and cost-effectively. We are a decidedly different CRO and the new Blockchain technology complements our ‘Innovation Pathway’ culture for all of our people and our customers.”

Despre ALTEN Calsoft Labs

ALTEN Calsoft Labs (ACL) este un transformare digitală, companie de servicii de inginerie și consultanță tehnologică de ultimă generație. Compania oferă servicii digitale, de consultanță, IT pentru întreprinderi și servicii de inginerie a produselor, pe verticală, cum ar fi Retail, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Telecomunicații, Producție, Energie și utilități, Rețele, Semiconductori și High-Tech. ACL le permite întreprinderilor să inoveze, să integreze și să transforme afacerea lor, utilizând tehnologii perturbatoare, cum ar fi Blockchain, Digital Interactive, Cloud, Mobilitate, AI & RPA, Analytics, DevOps, IoT și rețea definită de software (SDN / NFV).

ALTEN Calsoft Labs face parte din ALTEN Group - a doua cea mai mare companie mondială de servicii de inginerie, cu peste 33,700 de angajați în întreaga lume.

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