Axie Infinity lansează actualizarea sa de dezvoltare din ianuarie: exclusivă

Axie Infinity lansează actualizarea sa de dezvoltare din ianuarie: exclusivă

  1. January Dev Update has been released by the Axie Infinity team.
  2. Axie Core’s idea was allegedly unveiled last month.
  3. Axie Infinity had a 214% growth in the volume of sales during the month of January.

The Axie Infinity team has been hard at work on their latest dev update, bringing new and exciting features into play. This Dev Update brings many new features, including 52 events featuring tournaments from Dubai to Vietnam to the USA and more.

The latest update also focuses on making the game more intuitive for users, allowing players to better customize their gaming experience

The team claims that Axie Core’s idea was unveiled last month. Axie Core offers players the opportunity to develop, customize, and form bonds with their collectibles in a growing variety of meaningful ways, much as how Axies allow players access to an expanding number of gaming experiences inside their ecosystem. With the publication of Lunacia’s Stocking Stuffers last month, Axie Infinity also released the first version of Axie Core.

The “in-battle” tasks in Axie Infinity encourage players to “Deal 300 damage,” “win a fight before round 3,” or “Win a combat utilizing at least 4 attack cards.”

The team allegedly wants the competitions to be enjoyable, approachable challenges for players of all experience levels, whether they are just starting out in the game or vying for the top arena spot. The crew is excited to introduce new Contests to the Axie world since there is still so much to discover with contests.

It is important to note that the free-to-play game Axie Infinity is off to a strong start, as seen by the 59% growth in the number of its active players. In addition, Axie Infinity had a 214% growth in the volume of sales during the month of January, according to pundits in the field.

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Etichete: Axie Coreaxie infinitDev Update

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Axie Infinity Releases Its January Dev Update: Exclusive PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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