Bitcoin Price Prediction Program Sees $282K in 2025

Bitcoin Price Prediction Program Sees $282K in 2025

  1. A Bitcoin price prediction bot says BTC price will surpass $282,000 by 2025.
  2. The program was written by a stoned programmer before the crypto winter of 2022.
  3. The bot made nearly accurate predictions for the price of BTC in 2022.

A hastily written Bitcoin price prediction program created by a programmer is making a comeback on Reddit. According to the prediction it made a year ago, the program predicts the price of Bitcoin (BTC) to reach $282,899.62 by 2025. 

The reason this old post is gaining momentum now is not because of the expected  Bitcoin price of 2025, but rather from its predictions made for the year 2022. To highlight, the program’s predictions for the price of Bitcoin (BTC) in the year 2022 was quite close to the actual prices.

In detail, the prediction bot foresaw that the price of Bitcoin (BTC) would fall from over $50,000 to the $20,000-$30,000 mark. After this, it also foretold that the price of Bitcoin (BTC) would even drop to $13,000 levels with a bottom of $13,300 in October of 2022. 

Furthermore, the bot also predicted the surge of BTC price to hit $22,200 by February 2023. If we compare this prediction to the charts of Bitcoin’s price in 2022, it is clear that the prediction bot wasn’t too far off. 

This is really exciting news for the crypto and Bitcoin community. Most crypto investors have been waiting throughout 2022 for signs of a crypto rally. Often when the price of Bitcoin surges, the prices of altcoins will likely surge too.

The programmer says that he built this program on a whim upon getting stoned late one night. He even goes on to mention that while the chart hasn’t matched perfectly, it’s still a very close match and could be something worth a merit. 

In response, the Reddit community on the thread received the prediction quite enthusiastically. Most are already gearing up to buy and hold Bitcoin in preparation for 2025. 

Finally, it is important to note that while the bot predicted a high of over $282,000 in the month of August 2025, it also says the price will drop to $155,385.66 by December 2025.

This is still leagues higher than the currency price of Bitcoin (BTC), which according to CoinGecko este la 21,177.93 dolari.    

Declinare a responsabilităţii: The views and opinions in this article belong to the writer alone and they do not necessarily reflect the position of CryptoNewsLand (CNL). No information in this article, whether express or implied, should be taken as financial advice. Remember that investing in cryptocurrency poses significant risks to your asset. Hence, CNL strongly recommends all readers to perform their own in-depth research before investing in cryptocurrency.

Etichete: BitcoinBtcPricePredicția prețurilor

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Bitcoin Price Prediction Program Sees $282K in 2025 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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