BOLDER Designs anunță achiziția de către liderul MSP național The 20

BOLDER Designs Announces Acquisition by The 20 MSP

“This is an exciting moment for our organization, and the continuation of what has been a tremendously fruitful relationship, with The 20” said John Rutkowski, CEO of BOLDER Designs.

BOLDER Designs today announced its acquisition by The 20 MSP, a leading managed service provider with offices nationwide.

BOLDER Designs is a managed service provider based out of Newark, DE. The organization has experienced steady growth over the past several years, and boasts a proven track record of client success and satisfaction.

As a member of The 20’s growth platform, BOLDER Designs has benefitted from The 20’s business model, leveraging it to drive growth, enhance service offerings, and become a leading MSP in the Greater Delaware Valley.

With this acquisition, The 20 MSP and BOLDER Designs seek to build on their preexisting partnership, remain on a rapid growth trajectory, and develop new, higher-value offerings for their collective client base.

“This is an exciting moment for our organization, and the continuation of what has been a tremendously fruitful relationship,” said John Rutkowski, CEO of BOLDER Designs. “BOLDER Designs has gotten this far by acting as a true business partner for small and medium-sized companies, enabling their success through better technology. As The 20 MSP, we’re going to be able to bring our clients even better IT solutions and support to propel them forward in their respective industries,” Rutkowski added.

“We’ve worked closely with John and his team for several years, and know that they’re serious about doing things the right way and helping their clients win,” said Tim Conkle, CEO of The 20 MSP. “Joining forces with BOLDER Designs is going to help our collective organization continue to push the boundaries of what managed IT services can do for growing businesses. The future’s looking bright,” added Conkle.

Această achiziție de către The 20 MSP extinde amprenta națională a companiei și continuă un plan de creștere agresiv care reflectă activitatea de consolidare viguroasă în industria MSP. Cele 20 de MSP au mai multe achiziții aliniate în următoarele luni. „Acesta este un pas interesant înainte în călătoria noastră de creștere, dar este unul dintre multele pe care intenționăm să le facem”, a spus Conkle.

Despre cei 20 MSP

20 MSP a ajutat companiile să reușească printr-o tehnologie mai bună încă din 1986. În calitate de furnizor de top de servicii IT gestionate, 20 MSP deservește sute de companii la nivel național, oferind fiecare serviciu cu mănușă albă, infrastructură IT sigură și optimizată și 24/7. suport /365. Credem în construirea de relații de durată cu clienții bazate pe încredere, comunicare și furnizarea de servicii de mare valoare la un preț corect și previzibil. Succesul clienților noștri este succesul nostru și ne angajăm să ajutăm fiecare organizație pe care o servim să folosească tehnologia pentru a asigura un avantaj competitiv și a obține o nouă creștere. Pentru a afla mai multe, vizitați

About BOLDER Designs

BOLDER Designs has been providing small and mid-sized businesses with innovative IT solutions since 1986. If you don’t have an in-house IT department or a reliable IT guy, don’t worry! When you partner with BOLDER Designs, you’re partnering with a dynamic team of technical experts who will help you get a real return on your IT investment. For a flat-rate fee, our innovative solutions and solid 24/7 support will lower costs while sending your productivity soaring.

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