Antivirusul pentru consumatori de la Comodo Cybersecurity a fost numit „Produs de top” de AV-Test

Antivirusul pentru consumatori de la Comodo Cybersecurity a fost numit „Produs de top” de AV-Test

Top Comodo Antivirus Timp de citit: 2 minute

We’re excited to announce that Comodo Cybersecurity’s consumer anti-virus product was named a “Top Product” by the AV-Test Institute, an independent IT security and AV research organization. Our anti-malware capabilities have been testat, validated, and proven to be a top solution for endpoint users.

The AV-testing categories consist of Performance, Protection, and Usability to determine how each product performs against current online threats. Comodo scored a 6.0/6.0, which concludes that our product protects against malware attacks 100% of the time, including email and web-based threats. It also revealed 100% detection rates of rampant malware within the last 4 weeks.

Comodo Internet Security Premium was thus recognized as one of the Cel mai bun software antivirus for Windows Home – a “Top Product”.

This recognition in particular is one we are extremely proud of, as our produs antivirus is powered by the same underlying security engine that also powers Comodo’s Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) – our anti-malware solution for businesses. Our AEP uniquely renders malware useless through our innovative auto-containment technology. With containment, all unknown executables are “locked” in a virtual container, while our Valkyrie cloud-based analiza amenințărilor platform analyzes the files and provides an accelerated verdict in less than 45 seconds 95% of the time, of either known “good” or known “bad”.
Ce este Protecția Endpointului?

With the commonality across our “Top Product” consumer antivirus and our Advanced Endpoint Protection, we’re confident that Comodo Cybersecurity can render malware useless, for both consumers and businesses alike!

Resurse conexe:

Cum să îmbunătățiți pregătirea pentru securitate cibernetică a companiei dvs.

De ce vă puneți în pericol rețeaua cu o abordare defensivă a programelor malware

Cele șapte avantaje ale angajării unui furnizor de securitate cibernetică

Securitate cibernetică

Soluții de securitate cibernetică

Protecție antivirus



Mai mult de la CyberSecurity Comodo