Critical Solutions, Inc. (CSLI) /MKH Ventures anunță actualizări ale acționarilor PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.

Critical Solutions, Inc. (CSLI) / MKH Ventures anunță actualizări pentru acționari

Critical Solutions, Inc. (CSLI) /MKH Ventures anunță actualizări ale acționarilor PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.

MKH Ventures Announces New IR/PR Firms, Company Direction, and Harvest Updates

Sheridan, Wyoming, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ‌Critical‌ ‌Solutions,‌ ‌Inc.‌ ‌ (OTC‌ ‌PINK:‌ ‌CSLI)‌ ‌announces‌ it and has signed and retained 5 Star Consulting Firm as the new public relations and investor relations agencies. ‌‌ Mr.‌ ‌Sam‌ ‌Barraza,‌ ‌CEO‌ ‌of‌ ‌MKH‌ ‌Ventures,‌ ‌states,‌ ‌”First, we want to thank our shareholders for their patience while we revamped our entire approach to investor communications.  Even though, we have built a solid and profitable foundation, we want to acknowledge that consistent communication has not been our strength. Our leadership has been great at making money and creating a profitable company, but we have not been the best with our IR/PR.  Therefore, ‌we are‌ ‌excited‌ ‌ to announce that we have engaged an expert company that will focus on the ongoing public relation as well as investor relations communication.”

Mr. Munck, Vice President of Business Development, “The onboarding of our public relations team is now complete such that emails and phone calls are routed to expert resources. Additionally, we have engaged a top tier media team to ensure we have success with new content creation and social media engagement. The review and contract negotiations began at a perfect time as we now ready to formally announce our client partners. “

Mr. Munck adds, “Our strategy is simple: become known as a Custodian Partner via acquisition or strategic partnership, grow revenues, and grow profits.  Our company is currently attracting only top tier custodianships with low share structures, and we are working with their management in exchange for retained equity, ongoing consulting fees, and possible strategic partnerships or joint ventures. We have just recently finalized negotiations with multiple private companies with intent to merge into custodian public shells. Via our PR team, our shareholders can expect to see the ongoing updates in real time. With this in mind, we want to remind our shareholders of the following:

  1. MKH Ventures acquires and invests in emerging growth and profitable companies in the Cannabis, Crypto, and Real Estate markets.
  2. Our shareholders will see updated specifics to each of the 3-core business interest.
  3. Our current focus is to work with profitable and established revenue producing companies that are licensed in the cannabis industry.
  4. We seek to provide ongoing financing to the wholesale licensed cannabis industry with highly profitable returns
  5. We will provide additional updates to the harvest and profit share contracts.  The “Profit Sharing Contracts” are extremely profitable to our balance sheet and the most important part of these key acquisitions is that the companies we work on profit sharing contracts are already cash flowing on a profitable basis year over year.”

Mr. Barraza concludes, “We have entered into a very exciting time for our company, the cannabis market, the crypto market, and the real estate market. Our team is working diligently to add to our bottom- and top-line revenues and with our new IR and PR teams, our shareholders will start having consistent updates that will bolster shareholder value, liquidity/volume of trades, and ultimately price per share. Our new IR team will be responsible for ongoing communication at ".

Despre MKH Ventures, LLC

MKH Ventures este un holding diversificat. MKH Ventures achiziționează și investește în creștere emergentă și companii profitabile pe piețele de canabis, cripto și imobiliare.

Pentru a vă abona la actualizările companiei, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul web al companiei la

Also note, the company has updated its Twitter address to

About 5 Star Consulting, LLC

5 Star Consulting Firm’s team is comprised of highly seasoned professionals with many years of experience in the micro-cap markets. We work directly with management to help achieve their corporate goals. Our professionals help companies realize their full potential and attain a market valuation that reflects the performance of the company.

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MKH Ventures, LLC

Declarație port sigur: În plus față de informațiile istorice, acest comunicat de presă poate conține declarații care constituie declarații anticipative în sensul Legii privind valorile mobiliare din 1933 și Legea privind schimbul de valori mobiliare din 1934, astfel cum a fost modificată prin Legea privind reforma litigiilor în materie de valori private din 1995. declarațiile conținute în acest comunicat de presă includ intenția, credința sau așteptările Companiei și ale membrilor echipei sale de conducere în ceea ce privește operațiunile viitoare ale companiei și ipotezele pe care se bazează aceste declarații. Investitorii potențiali sunt avertizați că orice astfel de declarații anticipative nu sunt garanții ale performanței viitoare și implică riscuri și incertitudini și că rezultatele reale pot diferi semnificativ de cele prevăzute de astfel de declarații anticipative. Factorii care ar putea provoca aceste diferențe includ, dar nu se limitează la, eșecul de a finaliza vânzările anticipate în cadrul negocierilor, lipsa creșterii veniturilor, întreruperile clienților, eșecul de a realiza îmbunătățiri ale performanței, eficienței și profitabilității și evoluțiile adverse în ceea ce privește litigiile sau creșterea costurile litigiilor, operarea sau performanța unităților de afaceri ale Companiei sau prețul de piață al acțiunilor sale comune. Factorii suplimentari care ar determina diferențarea semnificativă a rezultatelor reale de cei prevăzuți în acest comunicat de presă pot fi găsiți și pe site-ul web al companiei. Compania își renunță la orice responsabilitate de a actualiza orice declarații anticipative.



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