INFTAGRAM 😛 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.


11 mai 2022 / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

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INFTAGRAM 😛 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.

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Instagram începe testarea NFT


Instagram launched its NFT pilot ieri. According to a tweet, the social media platform started testing NFT support with select US creators and collectors to share NFTs that they have created or bought.

Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, is aware of the importance of the creator economy for the platform due to how income streams for creators can be unpredictable and volatile.
According to Mosseri, enabling NFTs will create new ways in which a subset of creators can earn money and make a living out of their content. NFTs allow artists, musicians, and creators to tokenize their work and verify ownership of it, helping them solve ownership issues.

“I want to acknowledge upfront that NFTs and blockchain technologies are all about distributing trust and distributing power,” Mosseri said in his anunț. “But Instagram is fundamentally a centralized platform, so there’s a tension there. So one of the reasons why we’re starting small is we want to make sure that we can learn from the community. We want to make sure that we work out how to embrace those tenets of distributed trust and distributed power, despite the fact that we are, yes, a centralized platform,” he added.

Instagram NFTs will first support Ethereum and Polygon, a sidechain-based scaling solution with very low fees. Executives hinted that Flow and Solana will be coming soon. MATIC, the native token of Polygon, went from a low of $0.79 to almost $1, pumping 25% in one day, according to Coingecko. Ryan Wyatt, CEO of Polygon Studios, a spus on Twitter that “Facebook chose Polygon due to Polygon’s carbon-neutral footprint, its scalability, and the developer ecosystem.”

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Meta (formerly Facebook, for which, disclosure, I write a Bulletin newsletter),a comentat “Meta plans to bring NFTs to apps in our family. Similar functionality is coming to Facebook soon, along with augmented reality NFTs on Instagram Stories via Spark AR so you can place digital art into physical spaces.”

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INFTAGRAM 😛 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Căutare verticală. Ai.

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